Schedule of Changes to Texas newkeys

/* ABILENE           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0002' then newkey = 'TX0110';

/* ANAHUAC           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0009' then newkey = 'TX0002';

/* DALLAS (PL)       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0095' then newkey = 'TX0003';

/* ALBANY            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0004' then newkey = 'TX0621';
if year = 1988 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0318' then newkey = 'TX0621';
if year = 1989 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0318' then newkey = 'TX0621';
if year = 1990 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0318' then newkey = 'TX0621';
if year = 1991 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0318' then newkey = 'TX0621';
if year = 1992 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0318' then newkey = 'TX0621';
if year = 1993 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0318' then newkey = 'TX0621';
if year = 1994 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0318' then newkey = 'TX0621';
if year = 1995 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0318' then newkey = 'TX0621';

/* ALAMO             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0003' then newkey = 'TX0215';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0096' then newkey = 'TX0004';

/* ALICE             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0005' then newkey = 'TX0406';

/* DAYTON            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0097' then newkey = 'TX0005';

/* ALLEN             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0006' then newkey = 'TX0416';

/* DE LEON           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0098' then newkey = 'TX0006';

/* ALPINE            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0007' then newkey = 'TX0427';

/* DECATUR           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0099' then newkey = 'TX0007';

/* AMARILLO          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0008' then newkey = 'TX0447';

/* DEER PARK         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0100' then newkey = 'TX0008';

/* DEL RIO           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0101' then newkey = 'TX0009';

/* ANDREWS           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0010' then newkey = 'TX0013';

/* DELL CITY         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0102' then newkey = 'TX0010';

/* ANGLETON          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0011' then newkey = 'TX0024';

/* DENISON           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0103' then newkey = 'TX0011';

/* ANSON             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0012' then newkey = 'TX0035';

/* DENTON            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0104' then newkey = 'TX0012';

/* ARANSAS PASS      */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0013' then newkey = 'TX0046';

/* ARCHER CITY       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0014' then newkey = 'TX0057';

/* DENVER CITY       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0105' then newkey = 'TX0014';

/* ARLINGTON (PL)    */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0015' then newkey = 'TX0068';

/* DEVINE            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0106' then newkey = 'TX0015';

/* ASPERMONT         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0016' then newkey = 'TX0078';

/* DIBOLL            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0107' then newkey = 'TX0016';

/* ATHENS            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0017' then newkey = 'TX0089';

/* DICKINSON         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0108' then newkey = 'TX0017';

/* AUSTIN PL         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0018' then newkey = 'TX0111';

/* DIMMIT            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0109' then newkey = 'TX0018';

/* AZLE              */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0019' then newkey = 'TX0121';

/* DONNA             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0110' then newkey = 'TX0019';

/* BAIRD             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0020' then newkey = 'TX0132';

/* DUBLIN            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0111' then newkey = 'TX0020';

/* BALLINGER         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0021' then newkey = 'TX0143';

/* DUMAS             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0112' then newkey = 'TX0021';

/* BANDERA           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0022' then newkey = 'TX0154';

/* DUNCANVILLE       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0113' then newkey = 'TX0022';

/* BARKSDALE         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0023' then newkey = 'TX0165';

/* EAGLE LAKE        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0114' then newkey = 'TX0023';

/* BARTLETT          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0024' then newkey = 'TX0175';

/* BASTROP           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0025' then newkey = 'TX0184';

/* EAGLE PASS        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0115' then newkey = 'TX0025';

/* BAY CITY          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0026' then newkey = 'TX0195';

/* EASTLAND          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0116' then newkey = 'TX0026';

/* BAYTOWN           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0027' then newkey = 'TX0204';

/* EDEN              */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0117' then newkey = 'TX0027';

/* BEAUMONT          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0028' then newkey = 'TX0216';

/* EDINBURG          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0118' then newkey = 'TX0028';

/* BEDFORD           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0029' then newkey = 'TX0226';

/* EDNA              */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0119' then newkey = 'TX0029';

/* BEEVILLE          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0030' then newkey = 'TX0237';

/* EL PASO           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0120' then newkey = 'TX0030';

/* BELLAIRE          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0031' then newkey = 'TX0248';

/* ELDORADO          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0121' then newkey = 'TX0031';

/* BELLVILLE         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0032' then newkey = 'TX0258';

/* ELECTRA           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0122' then newkey = 'TX0032';

/* BELTON            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0033' then newkey = 'TX0268';

/* ELSA              */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0123' then newkey = 'TX0033';

/* BIG LAKE          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0034' then newkey = 'TX0278';

/* EMORY             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0124' then newkey = 'TX0034';

/* BIG SPRING        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0035' then newkey = 'TX0288';

/* BOERNE            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0036' then newkey = 'TX0308';

/* ENNIS             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0125' then newkey = 'TX0036';

/* BONHAM            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0037' then newkey = 'TX0319';

/* EULESS            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0126' then newkey = 'TX0037';

/* BORGER            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0038' then newkey = 'TX0328';

/* FABENS            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0127' then newkey = 'TX0572';
if year = 1988 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0038' then newkey = 'TX0572';
if year = 1989 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0038' then newkey = 'TX0572';
if year = 1990 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0038' then newkey = 'TX0572';
if year = 1991 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0038' then newkey = 'TX0572';
if year = 1992 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0038' then newkey = 'TX0572';
if year = 1993 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0038' then newkey = 'TX0572';

/* BOWIE             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0039' then newkey = 'TX0339';

/* FAIRFIELD         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0128' then newkey = 'TX0039';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0040' then newkey = 'TX0346';

/* FALFURRIAS        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0129' then newkey = 'TX0040';

/* BRADY             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0041' then newkey = 'TX0356';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0130' then newkey = 'TX0041';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0131' then newkey = 'TX0042';

/* BRENHAM           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0043' then newkey = 'TX0377';

/* FERRIS            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0132' then newkey = 'TX0043';

/* BRIDGEPORT        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0044' then newkey = 'TX0385';

/* FLORENCE          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0133' then newkey = 'TX0044';

/* BROWNFIELD        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0045' then newkey = 'TX0393';

/* FLORESVILLE       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0134' then newkey = 'TX0045';

/* BROWNSVILLE       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0046' then newkey = 'TX0402';

/* BROWNWOOD         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0047' then newkey = 'TX0407';

/* FLOYDADA          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0135' then newkey = 'TX0047';

/* BRYAN             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0048' then newkey = 'TX0408';

/* FORT DAVIS        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0136' then newkey = 'TX0048';

/* BUFFALO           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0049' then newkey = 'TX0409';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0137' then newkey = 'TX0049';

/* BURKBURNETT       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0050' then newkey = 'TX0410';

/* FORT WORTH PL     */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0138' then newkey = 'TX0050';

/* BURLESON          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0051' then newkey = 'TX0411';

/* BURNET            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0052' then newkey = 'TX0412';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0140' then newkey = 'TX0052';

/* CALDWELL          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0053' then newkey = 'TX0413';

/* FRIENDSWOOD       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0141' then newkey = 'TX0053';

/* CAMERON           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0054' then newkey = 'TX0414';

/* FRIONA            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0142' then newkey = 'TX0054';

/* CANADIAN          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0055' then newkey = 'TX0415';

/* GAINESVILLE       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0143' then newkey = 'TX0055';

/* CANTON            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0056' then newkey = 'TX0417';

/* GALVESTON         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0144' then newkey = 'TX0056';

/* CANYON            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0057' then newkey = 'TX0418';

/* CANYON LAKE       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0058' then newkey = 'TX0419';

/* GARLAND           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0145' then newkey = 'TX0058';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0059' then newkey = 'TX0420';

/* GARWOOD           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0146' then newkey = 'TX0702';
if year = 1988 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0059' then newkey = 'TX0702';

/* CARROLLTON        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0060' then newkey = 'TX0421';

/* GATESVILLE        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0147' then newkey = 'TX0060';

/* CARTHAGE          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0061' then newkey = 'TX0422';

/* GEORGE WEST       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0148' then newkey = 'TX0061';

/* CASTROVILLE       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0062' then newkey = 'TX0423';

/* GEORGETOWN        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0149' then newkey = 'TX0062';

/* CEDAR PARK        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0063' then newkey = 'TX0424';

/* GIDDINGS          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0150' then newkey = 'TX0063';

/* CENTER            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0064' then newkey = 'TX0425';

/* GILMER            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0151' then newkey = 'TX0064';

/* CENTERVILLE       */
/* Not the same as CENTERVILLE TX0695 */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0065' then newkey = 'TX0669';
if year = 1988 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0426' then newkey = 'TX0669';
if year = 1989 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0426' then newkey = 'TX0669';
if year = 1990 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0426' then newkey = 'TX0669';
if year = 1991 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0426' then newkey = 'TX0669';
if year = 1992 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0426' then newkey = 'TX0669';
if year = 1993 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0426' then newkey = 'TX0669';
if year = 1994 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0426' then newkey = 'TX0669';
if year = 1995 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0426' then newkey = 'TX0669';
if year = 1996 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0426' then newkey = 'TX0669';

/* GLADEWATER        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0152' then newkey = 'TX0065';

/* CHICO             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0066' then newkey = 'TX0428';

/* GLEN ROSE         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0153' then newkey = 'TX0066';

/* CHILDRESS         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0067' then newkey = 'TX0429';

/* GONZALES          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0154' then newkey = 'TX0691';
if year = 1988 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0067' then newkey = 'TX0691';
if year = 1989 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0067' then newkey = 'TX0691';
if year = 1990 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0067' then newkey = 'TX0691';
if year = 1991 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0067' then newkey = 'TX0691';
if year = 1998 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0619' then newkey = 'TX0691';
if year = 1999 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0619' then newkey = 'TX0691';

/* CISCO             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0068' then newkey = 'TX0430';

/* CLARENDON         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0069' then newkey = 'TX0431';

/* GRAHAM            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0155' then newkey = 'TX0069';

/* CLARKSVILLE       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0070' then newkey = 'TX0432';

/* GRANBURY          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0156' then newkey = 'TX0070';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0157' then newkey = 'TX0071';

/* CLEBURNE          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0072' then newkey = 'TX0434';

/* GRAND SALINE      */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0158' then newkey = 'TX0072';

/* CLEVELAND         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0073' then newkey = 'TX0435';

/* GRAPEVINE         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0159' then newkey = 'TX0073';

/* CLYDE             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0074' then newkey = 'TX0436';

/* GREENVILLE        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0160' then newkey = 'TX0074';

/* COLEMAN           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0075' then newkey = 'TX0437';

/* GROESBECK         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0161' then newkey = 'TX0075';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0076' then newkey = 'TX0438';

/* GROVES            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0162' then newkey = 'TX0076';

/* COLUMBUS          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0077' then newkey = 'TX0439';

/* GROVETON          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0163' then newkey = 'TX0077';

/* COMANCHE          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0078' then newkey = 'TX0440';

/* COMFORT           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0079' then newkey = 'TX0441';

/* GRUVER            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0164' then newkey = 'TX0079';

/* COMMERCE          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0080' then newkey = 'TX0442';

/* HALE CENTER       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0165' then newkey = 'TX0080';

/* CONROE            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0081' then newkey = 'TX0443';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0166' then newkey = 'TX0081';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0082' then newkey = 'TX0444';

/* HALTOM CITY       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0167' then newkey = 'TX0082';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0083' then newkey = 'TX0445';

/* HAMILTON          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0168' then newkey = 'TX0083';

/* CORRIGAN          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0084' then newkey = 'TX0446';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0169' then newkey = 'TX0084';

/* CORSICANA         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0085' then newkey = 'TX0448';

/* HARLINGEN         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0170' then newkey = 'TX0085';

/* COTULLA           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0086' then newkey = 'TX0449';

/* HASKELL           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0171' then newkey = 'TX0086';

/* CRANE             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0087' then newkey = 'TX0450';

/* HEARNE            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0172' then newkey = 'TX0518';
if year = 1988 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0087' then newkey = 'TX0518';
if year = 1989 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0087' then newkey = 'TX0518';
if year = 1990 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0087' then newkey = 'TX0518';
if year = 1991 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0087' then newkey = 'TX0518';

/* CROCKETT          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0088' then newkey = 'TX0451';

/* HEBRONVILLE       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0173' then newkey = 'TX0088';

/* CROSBYTON         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0089' then newkey = 'TX0452';

/* CROSS PLAINS      */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0090' then newkey = 'TX0453';

/* HEMPSTEAD         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0174' then newkey = 'TX0090';

/* CRYSTAL CITY      */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0091' then newkey = 'TX0454';

/* HENDERSON         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0175' then newkey = 'TX0091';

/* CUERO             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0092' then newkey = 'TX0455';

/* HENRIETTA         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0176' then newkey = 'TX0092';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0093' then newkey = 'TX0456';

/* TURKEY            */
if year = 1989 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0463' then newkey = 'TX0692';
if year = 1990 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0463' then newkey = 'TX0692';
if year = 1991 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0463' then newkey = 'TX0692';

/* HEREFORD          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0177' then newkey = 'TX0093';

/* DALHART           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0094' then newkey = 'TX0457';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0178' then newkey = 'TX0094';

/* HILLSBORO         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0179' then newkey = 'TX0095';

/* HITCHCOCK         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0180' then newkey = 'TX0096';

/* HONDO             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0181' then newkey = 'TX0097';

/* HONEY GROVE       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0182' then newkey = 'TX0098';

/* HOUSTON PL        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0183' then newkey = 'TX0099';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0184' then newkey = 'TX0101';

/* HOWE              */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0185' then newkey = 'TX0102';

/* HUNTSVILLE        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0186' then newkey = 'TX0103';

/* HURST             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0187' then newkey = 'TX0104';

/* IMPERIAL          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0188' then newkey = 'TX0105';

/* INGLESIDE         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0189' then newkey = 'TX0106';

/* IOWA PARK         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0190' then newkey = 'TX0107';

/* IRAAN             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0191' then newkey = 'TX0108';

/* IRVING            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0192' then newkey = 'TX0109';

/* JACKSBORO         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0193' then newkey = 'TX0112';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0194' then newkey = 'TX0559';
if year = 1988 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0113' then newkey = 'TX0559';
if year = 1989 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0113' then newkey = 'TX0559';
if year = 1990 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0113' then newkey = 'TX0559';
if year = 1991 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0113' then newkey = 'TX0559';
if year = 1992 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0113' then newkey = 'TX0559';
if year = 1993 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0113' then newkey = 'TX0559';
if year = 1994 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0113' then newkey = 'TX0559';
if year = 1995 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0113' then newkey = 'TX0559';

/* JASPER            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0195' then newkey = 'TX0114';

/* JAYTON            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0196' then newkey = 'TX0115';

/* JOHNSON CITY      */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0198' then newkey = 'TX0116';

/* JOURDANTON        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0199' then newkey = 'TX0117';

/* JUNCTION          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0200' then newkey = 'TX0118';

/* KAUFMAN           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0201' then newkey = 'TX0119';

/* KELLER            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0202' then newkey = 'TX0120';

/* KENDALIA          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0203' then newkey = 'TX0122';

/* KENEDY            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0204' then newkey = 'TX0123';

/* KERMIT            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0205' then newkey = 'TX0124';

/* KERRVILLE         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0206' then newkey = 'TX0125';

/* KILGORE           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0207' then newkey = 'TX0126';

/* KILLEEN           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0208' then newkey = 'TX0127';

/* KINGSVILLE        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0209' then newkey = 'TX0128';

/* KIRBYVILLE        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0210' then newkey = 'TX0129';

/* KOUNTZE           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0211' then newkey = 'TX0130';

/* KYLE              */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0212' then newkey = 'TX0131';

/* LA FERIA          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0213' then newkey = 'TX0133';

/* LA GRANGE         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0214' then newkey = 'TX0134';

/* LA MARQUE         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0215' then newkey = 'TX0135';

/* LAGUNA VISTA      */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0216' then newkey = 'TX0136';

/* LAKE DALLAS       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0217' then newkey = 'TX0137';

/* LAKE WORTH        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0218' then newkey = 'TX0138';

/* LAMESA            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0219' then newkey = 'TX0139';

/* LAMPASAS          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0220' then newkey = 'TX0140';

/* LAREDO            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0221' then newkey = 'TX0141';

/* LEAGUE CITY       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0222' then newkey = 'TX0142';

/* LEON VALLEY       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0223' then newkey = 'TX0144';

/* LEVELLAND         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0224' then newkey = 'TX0145';

/* LEWISVILLEY       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0225' then newkey = 'TX0146';

/* LIBERTY           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0226' then newkey = 'TX0147';

/* LITTLEFIELD       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0227' then newkey = 'TX0148';

/* LIVINGSTON        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0228' then newkey = 'TX0149';

/* LLANO             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0229' then newkey = 'TX0150';

/* LOCKHART          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0230' then newkey = 'TX0151';

/* LONGVIEW          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0231' then newkey = 'TX0152';

/* LOS FRESNOS       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0232' then newkey = 'TX0153';

/* LUBBOCK           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0233' then newkey = 'TX0155';

/* LUFKIN            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0234' then newkey = 'TX0156';

/* LULING            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0235' then newkey = 'TX0157';

/* LYTLE             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0236' then newkey = 'TX0158';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0237' then newkey = 'TX0159';

/* MALAKOFF          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0238' then newkey = 'TX0160';

/* MANSFIELD         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0239' then newkey = 'TX0161';

/* MARFA             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0240' then newkey = 'TX0162';

/* MARLIN            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0241' then newkey = 'TX0163';

/* MARSHALL          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0242' then newkey = 'TX0164';

/* MASON             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0243' then newkey = 'TX0166';

/* MATADOR           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0244' then newkey = 'TX0167';

/* MATHIS            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0245' then newkey = 'TX0168';

/* MCALLEN           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0246' then newkey = 'TX0549';
if year = 1988 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0169' then newkey = 'TX0549';
if year = 1989 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0169' then newkey = 'TX0549';
if year = 1990 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0169' then newkey = 'TX0549';
if year = 1991 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0169' then newkey = 'TX0549';
if year = 1992 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0169' then newkey = 'TX0549';
if year = 1993 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0169' then newkey = 'TX0549';
if year = 1994 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0169' then newkey = 'TX0549';
if year = 1995 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0169' then newkey = 'TX0549';

/* MCCAMEY           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0247' then newkey = 'TX0170';

/* MCKINNEY          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0248' then newkey = 'TX0171';

/* MCLEAN            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0249' then newkey = 'TX0172';

/* MEMPHIS           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0250' then newkey = 'TX0173';

/* MENARD            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0251' then newkey = 'TX0174';

/* MERCEDES          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0252' then newkey = 'TX0176';

/* MESQUITE          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0254' then newkey = 'TX0177';

/* MEXIA             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0255' then newkey = 'TX0178';

/* MIDLAND           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0256' then newkey = 'TX0179';

/* MIDLOTHIAN        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0257' then newkey = 'TX0180';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0258' then newkey = 'TX0181';

/* MISSION           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0259' then newkey = 'TX0182';

/* MONAHANS          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0260' then newkey = 'TX0183';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0261' then newkey = 'TX0561';
if year = 1988 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0185' then newkey = 'TX0561';
if year = 1989 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0185' then newkey = 'TX0561';
if year = 1990 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0185' then newkey = 'TX0561';
if year = 1991 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0185' then newkey = 'TX0561';
if year = 1992 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0185' then newkey = 'TX0561';
if year = 1993 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0185' then newkey = 'TX0561';
if year = 1994 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0185' then newkey = 'TX0561';
if year = 1995 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0185' then newkey = 'TX0561';

/* MORTON            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0262' then newkey = 'TX0186';

/* MOUNT CALM        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0263' then newkey = 'TX0562';
if year = 1988 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0187' then newkey = 'TX0562';
if year = 1989 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0187' then newkey = 'TX0562';
if year = 1990 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0187' then newkey = 'TX0562';
if year = 1991 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0187' then newkey = 'TX0562';
if year = 1992 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0187' then newkey = 'TX0562';
if year = 1993 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0187' then newkey = 'TX0562';
if year = 1994 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0187' then newkey = 'TX0562';
if year = 1995 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0187' then newkey = 'TX0562';

/* MT. PLEASANT      */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0264' then newkey = 'TX0188';

/* MT. VERNON        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0265' then newkey = 'TX0189';

/* MUENSTER          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0266' then newkey = 'TX0190';

/* MULESHOE          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0267' then newkey = 'TX0191';

/* MUNDAY            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0268' then newkey = 'TX0192';

/* NACOGDOCHES       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0269' then newkey = 'TX0193';

/* NAVASOTA          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0270' then newkey = 'TX0194';

/* NEDERLAND         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0271' then newkey = 'TX0196';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0197' then newkey = 'TX0459';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0272' then newkey = 'TX0197';

/* NEW BOSTON        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0273' then newkey = 'TX0198';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0274' then newkey = 'TX0199';

/* NOCONA            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0275' then newkey = 'TX0200';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0276' then newkey = 'TX0201';

/* ODEM              */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0277' then newkey = 'TX0202';

/* ODESSA            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0278' then newkey = 'TX0203';

/* OLNEY             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0279' then newkey = 'TX0205';

/* ORANGE            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0280' then newkey = 'TX0206';

/* OZONA             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0281' then newkey = 'TX0207';

/* PADUCAH           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0282' then newkey = 'TX0208';

/* PAINT ROCK        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0283' then newkey = 'TX0550';
if year = 1988 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0209' then newkey = 'TX0550';
if year = 1989 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0209' then newkey = 'TX0550';
if year = 1990 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0209' then newkey = 'TX0550';
if year = 1991 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0209' then newkey = 'TX0550';
if year = 1992 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0209' then newkey = 'TX0550';
if year = 1993 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0209' then newkey = 'TX0550';
if year = 1994 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0209' then newkey = 'TX0550';
if year = 1995 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0546' then newkey = 'TX0550';

/* PALACIOS          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0284' then newkey = 'TX0210';

/* PALESTINE         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0285' then newkey = 'TX0211';

/* PAMPA             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0286' then newkey = 'TX0212';

/* PANHANDLE         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0287' then newkey = 'TX0213';

/* PARIS             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0288' then newkey = 'TX0214';

/* PASADENA          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0289' then newkey = 'TX0217';

/* PEARSALL          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0290' then newkey = 'TX0218';

/* PERRYTON          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0291' then newkey = 'TX0219';

/* PETERSBURG        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0292' then newkey = 'TX0220';

/* PHARR             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0293' then newkey = 'TX0221';

/* PILOT POINT       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0294' then newkey = 'TX0222';

/* PINELAND          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0295' then newkey = 'TX0223';

/* PITTSBURG         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0296' then newkey = 'TX0224';

/* PLAINS            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0297' then newkey = 'TX0225';

/* PLAINVIEW         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0298' then newkey = 'TX0227';

/* PLANO             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0299' then newkey = 'TX0228';

/* PLEASANTON        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0300' then newkey = 'TX0229';

/* PORT ARANSAS      */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0301' then newkey = 'TX0230';

/* PORT ARTHUR       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0302' then newkey = 'TX0231';

/* PORT ISABEL       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0303' then newkey = 'TX0232';

/* PORT LAVACA       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0304' then newkey = 'TX0233';

/* PORT NECHES       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0305' then newkey = 'TX0234';

/* PORTLAND          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0306' then newkey = 'TX0235';

/* POST              */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0307' then newkey = 'TX0236';

/* POTEET            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0308' then newkey = 'TX0238';

/* QUANAH            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0309' then newkey = 'TX0239';

/* QUEMADO           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0310' then newkey = 'TX0240';

/* QUITMAN           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0311' then newkey = 'TX0241';

/* RANKIN            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0312' then newkey = 'TX0563';
if year = 1988 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0242' then newkey = 'TX0563';
if year = 1989 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0242' then newkey = 'TX0563';
if year = 1990 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0242' then newkey = 'TX0563';
if year = 1991 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0242' then newkey = 'TX0563';
if year = 1992 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0242' then newkey = 'TX0563';
if year = 1993 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0242' then newkey = 'TX0563';
if year = 1994 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0242' then newkey = 'TX0563';
if year = 1995 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0242' then newkey = 'TX0563';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0313' then newkey = 'TX0243';

/* REFUGIO           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0314' then newkey = 'TX0244';

/* RICHARDSON        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0315' then newkey = 'TX0245';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0316' then newkey = 'TX0246';

/* RICHMOND          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0317' then newkey = 'TX0247';

/* RIO HONDO         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0318' then newkey = 'TX0249';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0319' then newkey = 'TX0250';

/* ROANOKE           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0320' then newkey = 'TX0251';

/* ROBERT LEE        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0321' then newkey = 'TX0252';

/* MERTZON           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0253' then newkey = 'TX0500';

/* ROBSTOWN          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0322' then newkey = 'TX0686';
if year = 1988 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0253' then newkey = 'TX0686';

/* ROCKDALE          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0323' then newkey = 'TX0254';

/* ROCKPORT          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0324' then newkey = 'TX0255';

/* ROCKWALL          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0325' then newkey = 'TX0256';

/* ROTAN             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0326' then newkey = 'TX0257';

/* ROUND ROCK        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0327' then newkey = 'TX0259';

/* RUSK              */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0328' then newkey = 'TX0260';

/* SAGINAW           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0329' then newkey = 'TX0564';
if year = 1988 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0261' then newkey = 'TX0564';
if year = 1989 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0261' then newkey = 'TX0564';
if year = 1990 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0261' then newkey = 'TX0564';
if year = 1991 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0261' then newkey = 'TX0564';
if year = 1992 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0261' then newkey = 'TX0564';
if year = 1993 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0261' then newkey = 'TX0564';
if year = 1994 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0261' then newkey = 'TX0564';
if year = 1995 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0261' then newkey = 'TX0564';

/* SAN ANGELO        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0330' then newkey = 'TX0262';

/* SAN ANTONIO       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0331' then newkey = 'TX0263';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0332' then newkey = 'TX0264';

/* SAN BENITO        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0333' then newkey = 'TX0265';

/* SAN MARCOS        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0334' then newkey = 'TX0266';

/* SAN SABA          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0335' then newkey = 'TX0267';

/* SANDERSON         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0336' then newkey = 'TX0269';

/* SANTA ANNA        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0337' then newkey = 'TX0548';
if year = 1988 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0270' then newkey = 'TX0548';
if year = 1989 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0270' then newkey = 'TX0548';
if year = 1990 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0270' then newkey = 'TX0548';
if year = 1991 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0270' then newkey = 'TX0548';

/* SANTA FE          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0338' then newkey = 'TX0271';

/* SCHERTZ           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0339' then newkey = 'TX0272';

/* SEALY             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0341' then newkey = 'TX0273';

/* SEGUIN            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0342' then newkey = 'TX0274';

/* SEMINOLE          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0343' then newkey = 'TX0275';

/* SEYMOUR           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0344' then newkey = 'TX0276';

/* SEMINOLE          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0345' then newkey = 'TX0277';

/* SHEPHERD          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0346' then newkey = 'TX0279';

/* SHERMAN           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0348' then newkey = 'TX0281';

/* SILSBEE           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0349' then newkey = 'TX0282';

/* SINTON            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0350' then newkey = 'TX0283';

/* SMILEY            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0351' then newkey = 'TX0284';

/* SMITHVILLE        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0352' then newkey = 'TX0285';

/* SNYDER            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0353' then newkey = 'TX0286';

/* SONORA            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0354' then newkey = 'TX0287';

/* SOUR LAKE         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0355' then newkey = 'TX0289';

/* SPEARMAN          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0356' then newkey = 'TX0290';

/* SPLENDORA         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0357' then newkey = 'TX0291';

/* STAMFORD          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0358' then newkey = 'TX0292';

/* STANTON           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0359' then newkey = 'TX0529';
if year = 1988 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0293' then newkey = 'TX0529';
if year = 1989 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0293' then newkey = 'TX0529';
if year = 1990 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0293' then newkey = 'TX0529';
if year = 1991 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0293' then newkey = 'TX0529';
if year = 1992 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0293' then newkey = 'TX0529';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0360' then newkey = 'TX0294';

/* STRATFORD         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0361' then newkey = 'TX0295';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0362' then newkey = 'TX0296';

/* SWEETWATER        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0363' then newkey = 'TX0297';

/* TAFT              */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0364' then newkey = 'TX0298';

/* TAHOKA            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0365' then newkey = 'TX0299';

/* TAYLOR            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0366' then newkey = 'TX0300';

/* TEAGUE            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0367' then newkey = 'TX0301';

/* TEMPLE            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0368' then newkey = 'TX0302';

/* TERRELL           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0369' then newkey = 'TX0303';

/* TEXARKANA         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0370' then newkey = 'TX0304';

/* TEXAS CITY        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0371' then newkey = 'TX0305';

/* THE COLONY        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0372' then newkey = 'TX0306';

/* TRINITY           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0373' then newkey = 'TX0307';

/* TULIA             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0374' then newkey = 'TX0309';

/* TYLER             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0375' then newkey = 'TX0310';

/* UVALDE            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0376' then newkey = 'TX0311';

/* VAN ALSTYNE       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0377' then newkey = 'TX0312';

/* VAN HORNE         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0378' then newkey = 'TX0313';

/* VERNON            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0379' then newkey = 'TX0314';

/* VICTORIA          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0380' then newkey = 'TX0315';

/* VIDOR             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0381' then newkey = 'TX0316';

/* WACO              */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0382' then newkey = 'TX0317';

/* WALLIS            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0383' then newkey = 'TX0320';

/* WAXAHACHIE        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0384' then newkey = 'TX0321';

/* WEATHERFORD       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0385' then newkey = 'TX0322';

/* WEIMAR            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0386' then newkey = 'TX0323';

/* WELLINGTON        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0387' then newkey = 'TX0324';

/* WESLACO           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0388' then newkey = 'TX0325';

/* WHARTON           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0389' then newkey = 'TX0326';

/* WHEELER           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0390' then newkey = 'TX0327';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0391' then newkey = 'TX0329';

/* WHITESBORO        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0392' then newkey = 'TX0330';

/* WHITEWRIGHT       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0393' then newkey = 'TX0331';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0394' then newkey = 'TX0332';

/* WIMBERLEY         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0395' then newkey = 'TX0565';
if year = 1988 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0333' then newkey = 'TX0565';
if year = 1989 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0333' then newkey = 'TX0565';
if year = 1990 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0333' then newkey = 'TX0565';
if year = 1991 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0333' then newkey = 'TX0565';
if year = 1992 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0333' then newkey = 'TX0565';
if year = 1993 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0333' then newkey = 'TX0565';
if year = 1994 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0333' then newkey = 'TX0565';
if year = 1995 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0333' then newkey = 'TX0565';

/* WINTERS           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0396' then newkey = 'TX0334';

/* WOLFE CITY        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0397' then newkey = 'TX0335';

/* WOODVILLE         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0398' then newkey = 'TX0552';
if year = 1988 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0336' then newkey = 'TX0552';
if year = 1989 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0336' then newkey = 'TX0552';
if year = 1990 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0336' then newkey = 'TX0552';
if year = 1991 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0336' then newkey = 'TX0552';
if year = 1992 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0336' then newkey = 'TX0552';
if year = 1993 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0336' then newkey = 'TX0552';
if year = 1994 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0336' then newkey = 'TX0552';
if year = 1995 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0336' then newkey = 'TX0552';

/* WYLIE             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0399' then newkey = 'TX0337';

/* YOAKUM            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0400' then newkey = 'TX0338';

/* SCHULENBURG       */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0340' then newkey = 'TX0461';

/* YORKTOWN          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0401' then newkey = 'TX0340';

/* ANNA              */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0402' then newkey = 'TX0341';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0403' then newkey = 'TX0342';

/* BUDA              */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0404' then newkey = 'TX0343';

/* BUNA              */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0405' then newkey = 'TX0344';

/* COOPER            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0406' then newkey = 'TX0345';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0408' then newkey = 'TX0347';

/* PRESIDIO          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0409' then newkey = 'TX0566';
if year = 1988 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0348' then newkey = 'TX0566';
if year = 1989 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0348' then newkey = 'TX0566';
if year = 1990 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0348' then newkey = 'TX0566';
if year = 1991 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0348' then newkey = 'TX0566';
if year = 1992 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0348' then newkey = 'TX0566';
if year = 1993 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0348' then newkey = 'TX0566';
if year = 1994 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0348' then newkey = 'TX0566';
if year = 1995 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0348' then newkey = 'TX0566';

/* ZAPATA            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0410' then newkey = 'TX0349';

/* CEDAR HILL        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0411' then newkey = 'TX0350';

/* COPPELL           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0412' then newkey = 'TX0351';

/* DESOTO            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0413' then newkey = 'TX0352';

/* HIGGINS           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0414' then newkey = 'TX0353';

/* HUTCHINS          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0415' then newkey = 'TX0354';

/* IDALOU            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0416' then newkey = 'TX0355';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0417' then newkey = 'TX0357';

/* LANCASTER         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0418' then newkey = 'TX0358';

/* MIAMI             */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0419' then newkey = 'TX0477';
if year = 1988 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0359' then newkey = 'TX0477';

/* ROWLETT           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0420' then newkey = 'TX0360';

/* SACHSE            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0421' then newkey = 'TX0361';

/* SEAGOVILLE        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0422' then newkey = 'TX0362';

/* SILVERTON         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0423' then newkey = 'TX0524';
if year = 1988 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0363' then newkey = 'TX0524';
if year = 1989 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0363' then newkey = 'TX0524';
if year = 1990 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0363' then newkey = 'TX0524';
if year = 1991 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0363' then newkey = 'TX0524';

/* SLATON            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0424' then newkey = 'TX0364';

/* SPRINGTOWN        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0425' then newkey = 'TX0365';

/* SUNNYVALE         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0426' then newkey = 'TX0366';

/* QUINLAN           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0427' then newkey = 'TX0368';

/* WATAUGA           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0428' then newkey = 'TX0369';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0429' then newkey = 'TX0370';

/* WILMER            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0430' then newkey = 'TX0371';

/* WINNSBORO         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0431' then newkey = 'TX0372';

/* HEWITT            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0432' then newkey = 'TX0373';

/* LEONARD           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0433' then newkey = 'TX0374';

/* FRANKSTON         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0434' then newkey = 'TX0567';
if year = 1988 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0375' then newkey = 'TX0567';
if year = 1989 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0375' then newkey = 'TX0567';
if year = 1990 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0375' then newkey = 'TX0567';
if year = 1991 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0375' then newkey = 'TX0567';
if year = 1992 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0375' then newkey = 'TX0567';
if year = 1993 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0375' then newkey = 'TX0567';
if year = 1994 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0375' then newkey = 'TX0567';
if year = 1995 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0375' then newkey = 'TX0567';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0435' then newkey = 'TX0376';

/* BOOKER            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0436' then newkey = 'TX0378';

/* BOYD              */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0437' then newkey = 'TX0379';

/* ALVORD            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0438' then newkey = 'TX0380';

/* VEGA              */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0439' then newkey = 'TX0381';

/* SANGER            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0440' then newkey = 'TX0382';

/* CHARLOTTE         */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0441' then newkey = 'TX0383';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0442' then newkey = 'TX0384';

/* CROWELL           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0443' then newkey = 'TX0386';

/* AUBREY            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0444' then newkey = 'TX0387';

/* WEST              */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0445' then newkey = 'TX0388';

/* KRUM              */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0446' then newkey = 'TX0389';

/* COLDSPRING        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0447' then newkey = 'TX0392';

/* WHITEHORSE        */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0448' then newkey = 'TX0394';

/* FLOWER MOUND      */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0449' then newkey = 'TX0395';

/* GOLIAD            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0450' then newkey = 'TX0396';

/* MAUD              */
if year = 1988 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0404' then newkey = 'TX0489';

/* CUSHING           */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0407' then newkey = 'TX9975';

/* GORMAN            */
if year = 1989 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0462' then newkey = 'TX0690';
if year = 1990 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0462' then newkey = 'TX0690';
if year = 1991 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0462' then newkey = 'TX0690';
if year = 1992 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0462' then newkey = 'TX0690';
if year = 1993 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0462' then newkey = 'TX0690';
if year = 1995 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0545' then newkey = 'TX0690';
if year = 1996 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0545' then newkey = 'TX0690';
if year = 1997 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0545' then newkey = 'TX0690';
if year = 1998 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0545' then newkey = 'TX0690';

/* WAELDER           */
if year = 1991 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0488' then newkey = 'TX0536';

/* JONESTOWN         */
if year = 1992 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0513' then newkey = 'TX0569';
if year = 1993 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0513' then newkey = 'TX0569';
if year = 1994 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0513' then newkey = 'TX0569';
if year = 1995 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0513' then newkey = 'TX0569';

/* ROCKSPRINGS       */
if year = 1992 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0501' then newkey = 'TX0677';
if year = 1993 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0501' then newkey = 'TX0677';
if year = 1994 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0501' then newkey = 'TX0677';

/* LAGO VISTA        */
if year = 1994 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0540' then newkey = 'TX0622';

/* VENUS             */
if year = 1995 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0542' then newkey = 'TX0570';

/* PECOS             */
if year = 1991 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0490' then newkey = 'TX0623';

/* ALEDO             */
if year = 1991 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0494' then newkey = 'TX0532';

/* HOOKS             */
if year = 1992 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0507' then newkey = 'TX0671';
if year = 1993 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0507' then newkey = 'TX0671';
if year = 1994 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0507' then newkey = 'TX0671';
if year = 1995 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0507' then newkey = 'TX0671';
if year = 1996 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0507' then newkey = 'TX0671';
if year = 1997 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0507' then newkey = 'TX0671';
if year = 1998 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0507' then newkey = 'TX0671';

if year = 1992 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0510' then newkey = 'TX0535';

/* LUMBERTON         */
if year = 1993 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0519' then newkey = 'TX0573';

/* LA JOYA           */
if year = 1993 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0523' then newkey = 'TX0661';
if year = 1994 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0523' then newkey = 'TX0661';

if year = 1993 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0525' then newkey = 'TX0576';
if year = 1994 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0525' then newkey = 'TX0576';
if year = 1995 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0525' then newkey = 'TX0576';

/* SHINER            */
if year = 1993 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0528' then newkey = 'TX0571';
if year = 1994 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0528' then newkey = 'TX0571';
if year = 1995 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0528' then newkey = 'TX0571';

/* RISING STAR       */
if year = 1995 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0547' then newkey = 'TX0575';

/* PROSPER           */
if year = 1999 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0668' then newkey = 'TX0687';

if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0042' then newkey = 'TX0714';
if year = 1988 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0367' then newkey = 'TX0714';
if year = 1989 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0367' then newkey = 'TX0714';
if year = 1990 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0367' then newkey = 'TX0714';
if year = 1991 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0367' then newkey = 'TX0714';
if year = 1992 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0367' then newkey = 'TX0714';
if year = 1993 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0367' then newkey = 'TX0714';
if year = 1994 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0367' then newkey = 'TX0714';
if year = 1995 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0367' then newkey = 'TX0714';
if year = 1996 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0367' then newkey = 'TX0714';
if year = 1997 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0367' then newkey = 'TX0714';
if year = 1998 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0367' then newkey = 'TX0714';
if year = 1999 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0367' then newkey = 'TX0714';
if year = 2000 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0367' then newkey = 'TX0714';
if year = 2001 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0367' then newkey = 'TX0714';
if year = 2002 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0367' then newkey = 'TX0714';
if year = 2003 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0367' then newkey = 'TX0714';
if year = 2004 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0367' then newkey = 'TX0714';

/* FRANKLIN          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0139' then newkey = 'TX0715';
if year = 1988 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0051' then newkey = 'TX0715';
if year = 1989 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0051' then newkey = 'TX0715';
if year = 1990 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0051' then newkey = 'TX0715';
if year = 1991 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0051' then newkey = 'TX0715';
if year = 2004 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0051' then newkey = 'TX0715';

/* SHERIDAN          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0347' then newkey = 'TX0716';
if year = 1988 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0280' then newkey = 'TX0716';
if year = 1989 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0280' then newkey = 'TX0716';
if year = 1990 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0280' then newkey = 'TX0716';
if year = 1991 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0280' then newkey = 'TX0716';
if year = 1992 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0280' then newkey = 'TX0716';
if year = 1993 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0280' then newkey = 'TX0716';
if year = 1994 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0280' then newkey = 'TX0716';
if year = 1995 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0280' then newkey = 'TX0716';
if year = 1996 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0280' then newkey = 'TX0716';
if year = 1997 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0280' then newkey = 'TX0716';
if year = 1998 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0280' then newkey = 'TX0716';
if year = 1999 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0280' then newkey = 'TX0716';
if year = 2000 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0280' then newkey = 'TX0716';
if year = 2001 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0280' then newkey = 'TX0716';
if year = 2002 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0280' then newkey = 'TX0716';
if year = 2003 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0280' then newkey = 'TX0716';
if year = 2004 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0280' then newkey = 'TX0716';

/* KERENS            */
if year = 2002 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0706' then newkey = 'TX0719';

/* FRANKLIN          */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0139' then newkey = 'TX0728';
if year = 1988 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0051' then newkey = 'TX0728';
if year = 1989 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0051' then newkey = 'TX0728';
if year = 1990 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0051' then newkey = 'TX0728';
if year = 1991 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0051' then newkey = 'TX0728';
if year = 2004 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0051' then newkey = 'TX0728';

/* CELINA PUBLIC LIBRARY                                                     */
if year = 1992 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0506' then newkey = 'TX0732';
if year = 1993 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0506' then newkey = 'TX0732';
if year = 1994 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0506' then newkey = 'TX0732';
if year = 1995 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0506' then newkey = 'TX0732';
if year = 1996 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0506' then newkey = 'TX0732';
if year = 1997 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0506' then newkey = 'TX0732';
if year = 1998 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0506' then newkey = 'TX0732';
if year = 1999 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0506' then newkey = 'TX0732';
if year = 2000 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0506' then newkey = 'TX0732';
if year = 2001 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0506' then newkey = 'TX0732';
if year = 2002 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0506' then newkey = 'TX0732';
if year = 2003 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0506' then newkey = 'TX0732';
if year = 2004 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0506' then newkey = 'TX0732';
if year = 2005 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0506' then newkey = 'TX0732';
if year = 2006 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0506' then newkey = 'TX0732';
if year = 2007 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0506' then newkey = 'TX0732';
if year = 2008 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0506' then newkey = 'TX0732';

/* HARPER LIBRARY                                                            */
if year = 2006 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0726' then newkey = 'TX0733';

/* SHALLOWATER SCHOOL COUNTY LIBRARY                                         */
if year = 2008 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0727' then newkey = 'TX0737';

/* CLAUDE            */
if year = 1987 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0071' then newkey = 'TX0742';
if year = 1988 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0433' then newkey = 'TX0742';
if year = 1989 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0433' then newkey = 'TX0742';
if year = 1990 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0433' then newkey = 'TX0742';
if year = 1991 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0433' then newkey = 'TX0742';
if year = 1992 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0433' then newkey = 'TX0742';
if year = 1993 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0433' then newkey = 'TX0742';
if year = 1994 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0433' then newkey = 'TX0742';
if year = 1995 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0433' then newkey = 'TX0742';
if year = 1996 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0433' then newkey = 'TX0742';
if year = 1997 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0433' then newkey = 'TX0742';
if year = 1998 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0433' then newkey = 'TX0742';
if year = 1999 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0433' then newkey = 'TX0742';
if year = 2000 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0433' then newkey = 'TX0742';
if year = 2001 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0433' then newkey = 'TX0742';
if year = 2002 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0433' then newkey = 'TX0742';
if year = 2003 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0433' then newkey = 'TX0742';
if year = 2004 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0433' then newkey = 'TX0742';
if year = 2005 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0433' then newkey = 'TX0742';
if year = 2006 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0433' then newkey = 'TX0742';
if year = 2007 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0433' then newkey = 'TX0742';
if year = 2008 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0433' then newkey = 'TX0742';
if year = 2009 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0433' then newkey = 'TX0742';
if year = 2010 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0433' then newkey = 'TX0742';
if year = 2011 and FSCSKEY = 'TX0433' then newkey = 'TX0742';

November 22, 2022