PLDF3 | PLDF3 data | List of Libraries | Schedule of Changes |
Variable | Short definition | Years | History | Notes |
newkey | Unique library ID | ALL | Created from the FSCSKEY from the last year each library reported and then adjusted by code |
Useful for analyzing trends. |
span | Indicates the extent of a library's reporting | ALL | Created by code. | Useful for analyzing trends. |
state | Two-letter State Code | ALL | Created from substringing KEY (1987) FKEYPOST (1988-90) converting PUB_FIPS (1991) by code STABR (1992-) |
Used for processing. |
year | Year of data collection | ALL | Inserted by code and used in processing. | |
STABR | Two-letter Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) State Code | 1992- | STABR (1992-) | Used to create the variable state since 1992. |
FSCSKEY | Library ID assigned by NCES | ALL | Created from KEY (1987) concatenating FKEYPOST and FKEYSEQ (1988-90) FSCSKEY (1991-) |
Does not work as a unique number for each library. |
LIBID | Library ID assigned by the state. FSCSKEY if the state did not assign a code. | ALL | FLDA (1987) LIBCODE (1988-90) LIBID (1991-) |
LIBNAME | Name of library (administrative entity) | ALL | FLDB (1987) LIBNAME (1988-) |
There is considerable variation year to year in some libraries' names. |
ADDRESS | Street address of administrative entity | ALL | FLDC (1987-) LIBADDR (1988-90) ADDRESS (1991-) |
CITY | City or town (of street address) of administrative entity | ALL | FLDD (1988) LIBCITY (1989-90) CITY (1991-) |
ZIP | Five-digit postal zipcode (of mailing address) of administrative entity | ALL | FLDE (1987) LIBZIP (1988-90) ZIP1 (1991-97) ZIP (1998-) |
The State Library Agencies' (StLA) data uses another variable name. |
ZIP4 | Four-digit postal zip code extension (of street address) of administrative entity. | ALL | FLDF (1987) LIBZIP4 (1988-90) ZIP2 (1991-97) ZIP4 (1998-) |
LONGITUD | Longitude | 2007- | LONGITUD (2007-) | This field consists of a negative sign, three integers and six decimal places, with an explicit decimal point. |
LATITUDE | Latitude | 2007- | LATITUD (2007-) | This field consists of two integers and six decimal places, with an explicit decimal point. |
FIPSST | FIPS State Code=state | 2007-2014 | FIPSST (2007-2014) | 00 - Missing
No longer collected. |
FIPSCO | FIPS three-digit County Code | 2007-2014 | FIPSCO (2007-2014) | 000 - Missing
No longer collected. |
FIPSPLAC | FIPS Place | 2007-2014 | FIPSPLAC (2007-2014) | 00000 - Missing
No longer collected. |
CNTYPOP | County Population | 2008- | CNTYPOP (2008-) | |
LOCALE | Urban-centric locale code | 2008- | LOCALE (2008-) | The geographic location in terms of the size of the community in which it is located
and the proximity of that community to urban and metropolitan areas. .–Missing 11–City, Large: Territory inside an urbanized area and inside a principal city with population of 250,000 or more 12–City, Mid-size: Territory inside an urbanized area and inside a principal city with a population less than 250,000 and greater than or equal to 100,000 13–City, Small: Territory inside an urbanized area and inside a principal city with a population less than 100,000 21–Suburb, Large: Territory outside a principal city and inside an urbanized area with population of 250,000 or more 22–Suburb, Mid-size: Territory outside a principal city and inside an urbanized area with a population less than 250,000 and greater than or equal to 100,000 23–Suburb, Small: Territory outside a principal city and inside an urbanized area with a population less than 100,000 31–Town, Fringe: Territory inside an urban cluster that is less than or equal to 10 miles from an urbanized area 32–Town, Distant: Territory inside an urban cluster that is more than 10 miles and less than or equal to 35 miles from an urbanized area 33–Town, Remote: Territory inside an urban cluster that is more than 35 miles from an urbanized area 41–Rural, Fringe: Census-defined rural territory that is less than or equal to 5 miles from an urbanized area, as well as rural territory that is less than or equal to 2.5 miles from an urban cluster 42–Rural, Distant: Census-defined rural territory that is more than 5 miles but less than or equal to 25 miles from an urbanized area, as well as rural territory that is more than 2.5 miles but less than or equal to 10 miles from an urban cluster 43–Rural, Remote: Census-defined rural territory that is more than 25 miles from an urbanized area |
REAPLOCALE | REAP (The Rural Education Achievement Program) Urban-centric locale code | 2016- | REAPLOCALE (2016-) | The geographic location in terms of the size of the community in
which it is located and the location of that community relative to urban
and metropolitan areas. 01–Large City: A principal city of a metropolitan area, with the city having a population greater than or equal to 250,000. 02–Mid-size City: A principal city of a metropolitan area, with the city having a population less than 250,000. 03–Urban Fringe of a Large City: Any incorporated place, Censusdesignated place, or non-place territory within a metropolitan area of a large city and defined as urban by the Census Bureau. 04–Urban Fringe of a Mid-size City: Any incorporated place, Censusdesignated place, or non-place territory within a metropolitan area of a midsize city and defined as urban by the Census Bureau. 05–Large Town: An incorporated place or Census-designated place with a population greater than or equal to 25,000 and located outside a metropolitan area. 06–Small Town: An incorporated place or Census-designated place with a population less than 25,000 and greater than or equal to 2,500 and located outside a metropolitan area. 07–Rural, Outside Metropolitan Area: Any incorporated place, Censusdesignated place, or non-place territory not within a metropolitan area and defined as rural by the Census Bureau. 08–Rural, Inside Metropolitan Area: Any incorporated place, Censusdesignated place, or non-place territory within a metropolitan area and defined as rural by the Census Bureau. |
CENTRACT | Census Tract | 2007- | CENTRACT (2007-) | |
CENBLOCK | Census Block of the Admininistrative Entity | 2007- | CENBLOCK (2007-) | |
CDCODE | Congressional District of the Admininistrative Entity | 2007- | CDCODE (2007-) | |
MAT_CENT | Match Centroid. The geographic level at which the address was matched. | 2007-2011 | MAT_CENT (2007-2011) | 0–Matched the actual street of this location 4–The centroid of the 5-digit zip code + 4 area that the location falls within 2–The centroid of the 5-digit zip code + 2 area that the location falls within X–The centroid of the 5-digit zip cod |
MSTATUS | ESRI Match Status | 2016- | MSTATUS (2016+) | Result of the attempt to match using supplied address
data. E–Match. The returned address matches the request and is the highest scoring candidate. T–Tie. The returned address matches the request but has the same score as one or more additional candidates. U–Unmatch. No addresses match the request. |
MAT_TYPE | Match Status Code. Indicates the type of match or failure to match. | 2011 | MAT_TYPE (2011) | 0–Missing 1–Match to primary name of street segment 2–Intersection match to the "from" end of the street segment 3–Intersection match to the "to"end of the street segment 5–Match to alternate or secondary name on segment 6–Match to placeholder point 7–Match to alternate or secondary name of placeholder point 10–Invalid state abbreviation 11–Invalid locality name 12–Street name failed to parse due to unrecognized format 14–Street name could not be found in requested locality 15–Address range for input address did not exist on given street 16–More than one segment with adequate address range 17–Unable to match intersection |
CBSA | Core based statistical area. Core based statistical areas (CBSAs) and Principal cities of Metropolitan and Micropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) | 2011- | CBSA (2011-) | 0–Missing |
MICROF | Metropolitan and micropolitan statistical area flag | 2011- | MAT_TYPE (2011-) | .–Missing 0–metropolitan area 1–micropolitan area |
Variable | Short definition | Years | History | Notes |
ADDRES_M | Mailing address of administrative entity | 1999- | ADDRES_M (1999-) | |
CITY_M | City or town (of mailing address) of administrative entity | 1999- | CITY_M (1999-) | |
ZIP_M | Five-digit postal zip code (of mailing address) of administrative entity. | 1999- | ZIP_M (1999-) | |
ZIP4_M | Mailing address of administrative entity | 1999- | ZIP4_M (1999-) | |
CNTY | County of library | 1992- | CNTY (1992-) | |
PHONE | Telephone number | ALL | FLDG (1987) LIBPHONE (1988-90) PHONE (1991-) |
Format: area code/exchange/number (for example, 7037315072) |
WEB_ADDR | Web address of administrative entity | 2002-2011 | WEB_ADDR (2002-2011) | States NY (partial) and OH to the end are missing this variable in FY 2002. |
C_RELATN | Interlibrary Relationship Code | 1992- | C_RELATN (1992-) | HQ–Headquarters of a system, federation, or cooperative service ME–Member of a system, federation, or cooperative service, but not the headquarters NO–Not a member of a system, federation, or cooperative service |
C_LEGBAS | Legal Basis Code | 1992- | C_LEGBASE (1992-) | CO–County/Parish CC–City/County MJ–Multi-jurisdictional NL–Native American Tribal Government NP–Non-profit Association or Agency SC–School District SD–Special Library District (authority, board, or commission) OT–Other |
C_ADMIN | Administrative Structure Code | 1992- | C_ADMIN (1992-) | MA–Administrative Entity with multiple direct service outlets where administrative offices are separate MO–Administrative Entity with multiple direct service outlets where administrative offices are not separate SO–Single Outlet Administrative Entity |
C_FSCS | FSCS Public Library Definition (Public library meets all criteria in the definition.) | 1995- | C_FSCS (1995-) | Y–Yes N–No |
GEOCODE | Geographic Code | 1998- | GEOCODE (1998-) | CI1–City (exactly) CI2–City (most nearly) CO1–County (exactly) CO2–County (most nearly) MA1–Metropolitan area (exactly) MA2–Metropolitan area (most nearly) MC1–Multi-County (exactly) MC2–Multi-County (most nearly) SD1–School District (exactly) SD2–School District (most nearly) OTH–Other |
GNISPLAC | Eight-digit INCIT County Code | 2015- | GNISPLAC (2015-) | |
INCITSST | Two-digit INCIT State Codes | 2015- | INCITSST (2015-) | |
INCITSCO | Three-digit INCIT County Code | 2015- | INCITSCO (2015-) | |
SCORE | Score measuring accuracy of address match (0-100) | 2015- | SCORE (2015-) | |
GAL | Geocoding Accuracy Level | 2012-2014 | GAL (2012-2014) | addresspoint–Input address matches to an exact
latitude/longitude location. house–Input address matches to a house number along an address range. intersection–Input address matches to two streets that intersect. postalcode–sub–Input address matches to an extended postcode (e.g. USA ZIP+4, UK full postcode). street–Input address matches to a midpoint of a street chain within a city. postalcode–main–Input address matches to a main postal code (e.g. USA ZIP, UK main postcode). ALT – Match failed; manually adjusted No longer collected. |
GALMS | Geocoding Accuracy Level Match Status | 2012-2014 | GALMS (2012-2014) | Match Status. Result of the attempt to match using
supplied address data EXT–Exact Match. Input field content matches the output in the fields relevant to the GAL achieved. STD–Standardized Match was obtained using slight standardizations for input data. ADV–Adjunct Variation Match was achieved despite slight variations in adjunct type. SPV–Spelling Variation Match was obtained allowing for spelling variations. DGL–Different GAL. The output GAL is less granular than the one that the populated input fields might indicate. NCF–No Matching Candidates Found. ABG–Ambiguous – Request Too General. ABR–Ambiguous – More Top Results Than Requested. TMO–Timeout. PCR–Postal Match More Accurate. ALT – Match failed; manually adjusted No longer collected. |
POSTMS | Postal Match Status | 2012-2014 | GAL (2012-2014) | Result of the attempt to match using supplied postal code data (if required) POC–Successful. NND–Sufficient Match Found. ALT – Match failed; manually adjusted No longer collected. |
LSABOUND | Legal service area boundary change in last year | 2003- | LSABOUND (2003-) | Y–Yes N–No |
STARTDAT | Reporting period starting date. dd/mm/yyyy. | 2004- | STARTDAT (2004-) | |
ENDDATE | Reporting period starting date. dd/mm/yyyy. | 2004- | ENDDATE (2004-) |
Variable | Short definition | Years | History | Notes |
POPU_LSA | Population of the Legal Service Area | ALL | FLDH (1987) SERPOP (1988-90) POPU (1991-97) POPU_LSA (1998-) |
POPU_UND | Unduplicated population of the legal service area for the library (constructed variable). | 1991- | POPU_UNDUP (1991-1997) POPU_UND (1998-) |
NCES calculated this value by prorating the library's population of legal service area (POPU_LSA) to the state's total population of legal service areas (total POPU_LSA), and applying the ratio to the state-reported total unduplicated population of legal service areas. The latter item, a single figure reported by the state data coordinator, is also named POPU_UND but is located on the State Summary/State Characteristics Data File. As a result of the method of calculating POPU_UND, state totals may differ between the Public Library Data File and the State Summary Data File because of rounding differences. |
REGBOR | Registered Borrowers | 2006- | REGBOR (2006- |
Variable | Short definition | Years | History | Notes |
CENTLIB | Number of central libraries | ALL | FLDI (1987) SERNUMCN (1988-90) CENTLIB (1991-) |
BRANLIB | Number of branch libraries | ALL | FLDJ (1987) SERNUMBR (1988-90) BRANLIB (1991-) |
BKMOB | Number of bookmobiles | ALL | FLDK (1987) SERNUMBM (1988-90) BKMOB (1991-) |
OTHSERV | Number of other service outlets | 1987-1991 | FLDL (1987) SERNUMOT (1988-90) OTHSERV (1991) |
No longer collected. |
Variable | Short definition | Years | History | Notes |
MASTER | ALA-MLS Librarians | ALL | FLDM (1987) FTLIBMS (1988-90) MASTER (1991-) |
LIBRARIA | Total number of FTE employees holding the title of librarian. | ALL | FLDN (1987) FTLIBTO (1988-90) LIBRARIAN (1991-97) LIBRARIA (1998-) |
OTHPAID | All other paid FTE employees. | ALL | FLDO (1987) FTOTHPD (1988-90) OTHPAID (1991-) |
TOTSTAFF | Total paid FTE employees | ALL | FLDP (1987) FTTOTPD (1988-90) TOTEMP (1991-97) TOTSTAFF (1998-) |
Variable | Short definition | Years | History | Notes |
LOCGVT | Operating income from local government | ALL | FLDQ (1987) INCLOCAL (1988-90) LOCGVT (1991-) |
STGVT | Operating income from state government | ALL | FLDR (1987) INCSTATE (1988-90) STGVT (1991-) |
FEDGVT | Operating income from federal government | ALL | FLDS (1987) INCFED (1988-90) FEDGVT (1991-) |
OTHINCM | Other operating income (i.e., income not included in LOCGVT, STGVT, and FEDGVT) | ALL | FLDT (1987) INCOTHER (1988-90) OTHINCM (1991-) |
TOTINCM | Total income (i.e., LOCGVT, STGVT, FEDGVT, and OTHINCM) | ALL | FLDU (1987) INCTOTAL (1988-90) TOTINCM (1991-) |
Variable | Short definition | Years | History | Notes |
SALARIES | Salaries and wages for all library staff | ALL | FLDV (1987) OPXSALAR (1988-90) SALARIES (1991-) |
BENEFIT | Employee benefits for all library staff | ALL | FLDW (1987) OPXBENEFIT (1988-90) BENEFIT (1991-) |
STAFFEXP | Total staff expenditures (i.e., SALARIES and BENEFIT) | ALL | FLDX (1987) OPXTOTST (1988-90) TOTEXP (1991-97) STAFFEXP (1998-) |
PRMATEXP | Print materials expenditures (including books, serial back files, current serial subscriptions, government documents)) | 2003- | PRMATEXP (2003-) | |
ELMATEXP | Operating expenditures for library materials in electronic format | 1995- | ELMATEXP (1995-) | |
OTHMATEX | Other materials expenditures (microform, audio, video, DVD, and new formats) | 2003- | OTHMATEX (2003-) | |
TOTEXPCO | Total expenditures on library collection. | ALL | FLDY (1987) OPXTOTCL (1988-90) TOTEXPCOL (1991-97) TOTEXPCO (1998-) |
OTHOPEXP | Other operating expenditures (i.e., expenditures not included in STAFFEXP and TOTEXPCO) | ALL | FLDZ (1987) OPXOTH (1988-90) OTHOPEXP (1991-) |
TOTOPEXP | Total operating expenditures (i.e., STAFFEXP, TOTEXPCO, and OTHOPEXP) | ALL | FLDAA (1987) OPXTOTAL (1988-90) TOTOEXP1 (1991-97) TOTOPEXP (1998-) |
Variable | Short definition | Years | History | Notes |
CAPITAL | Expenditures for capital outlay | ALL | FLDAB (1987) CAPOUTLA (1988-90) CAPITAL (1991-) |
Variable | Short definition | Years | History | Notes |
CAP_REV | Capital revenue for major capital expenditures | 2003- | CAP_REV (2003-) | |
FCAP_REV | Federal government capital revenue | 2005- | FCAP_REV (2005-) | |
LCAP_REV | Local government capital revenue | 2005- | LCAP_REV (2005-) | |
OCAP_REV | Other capital revenue | 2005- | OCAP_REV (2005-) | |
SCAP_REV | State government capital revenue | 2005- | SCAP_REV (2005-) |
Variable | Short definition | Years | History | Notes |
BKVOL | Number of books and serial volumes | ALL | FLDAC (1987) COLBOOKS (1988-90) BKVOL (1991-) |
EBOOK | Electronic books (E-books) (digital documents, including non-serial government documents in digital format) | 2003- | EBOOK (2003-) | |
AUDIO | Number of audio materials | 1987-2009 | FLDAD (1987) COLAUDIO (1988-90) AUDIO (1991-2009) |
AUDIO_DL | Audio - downloadable titles | 2010- | AUDIO_DL (2010-) | |
AUDIO_PH | Audio - physical units | 2010- | AUDIO_PH (2010-) | |
FILM | Number of films | 1987-91 | FLDAE (1987) COLFILM (1988-90) FILM (1991) |
No longer collected. |
VIDEO | Number of video materials | 1987-2009 | FLDAF (1987) COLVIDEO (1988-90) VIDEO (1991-2009) |
VIDEO_DL | Video - downloadable titles | 2010- | VIDEO_DL (2010-) | |
VIDEO_PH | Video - physical units | 2010- | VIDEO_DL (2010-) | |
DATABASE | Databases (locally mounted or remote, full-text or not, for which temporary or permanent access rights have been acquired) | 2003-2014 | DATABASE (2003-2014) | No longer collected. |
DB_LO_OT | Local/Other cooperative agreements | 2012-2014 | DB_LO_OT (2012-2014) | No longer collected. |
DB_LOC | Locally licensed databases | 2006-2010 | DB_LOC (2006-2010) | No longer collected. |
DB_OTH | Other licensed databases | 2006-2010 | DB_OTH (2006-2010) | No longer collected. |
DB_ST | State licensed databases | 2006-2014 | DB_ST (2006-2014) | No longer collected. |
EC_LO_OT | Local/Other electronic collections | 2016- | EC_LO_OT (2016-) | |
EC_ST | State electronic collections | 2015- | EC_ST (2015-) | |
ELECCOLL | Total electronic collections | 2015- | ELECCOLL (2015-) | |
SUBSCRIP | Number of current serial subscriptions | ALL | FLDAG (1987) COLCSERL (1988-90) SUBSCRIPT (1991-97) SUBSCRIP (1998-2019) |
No longer collected. |
ESUBSCRIP | Current electronic serial subscriptions | 2003-2009 | ESUBSCRIP (2003-2009) | No longer collected. |
Variable | Short definition | Years | History | Notes |
PSUNDUP | Unduplicated public service hours per week. | 1987-89 | FLDAH (1987) PSUNDUP (1988-89) |
According to the documentation, 1989 is not in the dataset for this variable or SVCINUSE but both are in 1989. Proceed with caution. No longer collected. |
HRS_OPEN | Total annual public service hours for all service outlets | ALL | FLDAI (1987) (weekly) times 52 PSDUP (1988) weekly times 52 PSDUP (1988-89) DUPLI (1990-97) HRS_OPEN (1998-) |
Variable | Short definition | Years | History | Notes |
VISITS | Total annual library visits | ALL | FLDAJ (1987) SVCATTND (1988-90) ATTEND (1991-97) VISITS (1998-) |
SVCATTND and ATTEND were defined as "Annual attendance in library" which, I understand, is regarded as the same as VISITS today. |
WEBVISIT | Total visits (sessions) to library website | 2018- | WEBVISIT (2018- | |
WIFISESS | Total annual wireless sessions | 2014- | WIFISESS (2014- | |
SVCINUSE | In-library use of materials | 1987-89 | FLDAK (1987) SVCINUSE (1988-89) |
According to the documentation, 1989 is not in the dataset for this variable or PSUNDUP but both are in 1989. Proceed with caution. No longer collected. |
REFERENC | Total annual reference transactions | ALL | FLDAL (1987) SVCREFS (1988-90) REFERENCE (1991-1997) REFERENC (1998-) |
Variable | Short definition | Years | History | Notes |
TOTCIR | Total annual circulation transactions | ALL | FLDAM (1987) CIRCULAT (1988-90) TOTCIR (1991-) |
TOTCOLL | Total annual circulation transactions | 2016- | TOTCOLL (2016-) | Total annual count of physical item circulation, circulation of electronic material and successful retrieval of electronic information |
PHYSCIR | Physicial item circulation | 2016- | PHYSCIR(2016-) | The annual circulation of all physical library materials of all types, including renewals. |
ELINFO | Successful retrieval of electronic information | 2016- | ELINFO (2016-) | The number of full-content units or descriptive records examined, downloaded, or otherwise supplied to user, from online library resources that require user authentication but do not have a circulation period. |
ELCONT | Electronic content use | 2016- | ELCONT (2016-) | The number of full-content units or descriptive records examined, downloaded, or otherwise supplied to user, from online library resources that require user authentication but do not have a circulation period. |
ELMATCIR | Circulation of electronic materials | 2013- | ELMATCIR (2013-) | |
KIDCIRCL | Total annual circulation (including renewals) of all children's materials in all formats to all users | 1992- | KIDCIRCL (1992-) |
Variable | Short definition | Years | History | Notes |
LOANTO | Total annual loans provided to other libraries | ALL | FLDAN (1987) ILLOUT (1988-90) LOANTO (1991-) |
LOANFM | Total annual loans received from other libraries | ALL | FLDAO (1987) ILLIN (1988-90) LOANFM (1991-) |
Variable | Short definition | Years | History | Notes |
TOTATTEN | Total annual attendance at all library programs. | 2004- | TOTATTEN (2004-) | |
TOTPRO | Total library programs. | 2004- | TOTPRO (2004-) | |
KIDPRO | Total children's programs. | 2005- | KIDPRO (2005-) | |
KIDATTEN | Total annual attendance at all programs intended primarily for children. Includes adults who attend programs intended primarily for children. | 1992- | KIDATTEN (1992-) | |
YAPRO | Total young adult programs. | 2009- | YAPRO (2009-) | |
YAATTEN | Total audience at all young adult programs. | 2009- | YAATTEN (2009-) |
Variable | Short definition | Years | History | Notes |
GPTERMS | Internet terminals used by general public | 1998- | GPTERMS (1998-) | |
ERES_USR | Users of electronic resources per typical week | 1999-2005 | ERES_USR (1999-2005) | No longer collected. |
PITUSR | Users of public Internet terminals per year | 2006- | PITUSR (2006) | |
ELACCEXP | Operating expenditures for electronic access | 1995-2002 | ELACCEXP (1995-2002) | No longer collected. |
ELMATS | Number of library materials in electronic format | 1995-2002 | ELMATS (1995-2002) | No longer collected. |
ELSVCACC | Library access to electronic services | 1995-2002 | ELSVCACC (1995-2002) | Y–Yes N–No M–Missing (unknown, not reported) No longer collected. |
INETACC | Library access to the Internet | 1995-2002 | INETACC (1995-2002) | Y–Yes N–No M–Missing (unknown, not reported) No longer collected. |
INETUSE | Internet Use Code | 1995-2001 | INETUSE (1995-2001) | PI–Patrons through a staff intermediary only PE–Patrons either directly or through a staff intermediary NA–Not applicable M–Missing (unknown, not reported) No longer collected. |
STFTERMS | Internet terminals used by staff only | 1998-2002 | STFTERMS (1998-) | No longer collected. |
Variable | Short definition | Years | History | Notes |
PUB_FIPS | Two-digit FIPS State Code. | 1988-2008 | PUB_FIPS (1988-2008) | This is a numerical code (Alabama = 01). STABR uses a character state code (Alabama = AL). |
CNTYFIPS | Three-digit FIPS County Code | 1997-2008 | CNTYFIPS (1997-2008) | Each county in a state has a three digit numerical code. With the FIPS code in PUB_FIPS, there is a five digit code that gives each county in each state a unique number. |
YR_SUB | FSCS submission year of public library data in four-digit format (YYYY) | 1991- | YR (1991-97) + 1900 YR_SUB (1998-) |
YR was a two digit year format and YR_SUB is four digit. |
OBEREG | Bureau of Economic Analysis Code | 1992- | OBEREG (1992-) | 00–U.S. Service Schools 01–New England (CT ME MA NH RI VT) 02–Mid East (DE DC MD NJ NY PA) 03–Great Lakes (IL IN MI OH WI) 04–Plains (IA KS MN MO NE ND SD) 05–Southeast (AL AR FL GA KY LA MS NC SC TN VA WV) 06–Southwest (AZ NM OK TX) 07–Rocky Mountains (CO ID MT UT WY) 08–Far West (AK CA HI NV OR WA) 09–Outlying Areas (AS FM GU MH MP PR PW VI) |
RSTATUS | Respondent status | 1992- | RSTATUS (1992-) | 1–Respondent, with no imputed data 2-Respondent, with both reported and imputed data 3–Nonrespondent, not imputed 4–Nonrespondent with imputed data |
STATADDR | Address Change Code | 2005- | STATADDR (2005-) | 00–No change from last year 07–Moved to a new location 15–Minor address change |
STATNAME | Name Change Code | 2005- | STATNAME (2005-) | 00–No change from last year 06–Official name change 14–Minor name change |
STATSTRU (2005-) | Structure code change | 2005- | STATSTRU (2005-) | NOTE WELL STATSTRU codes change slighty by year. For this reason, the codes are listed separately by year below. |
STATSTRU (2005-2007) | Structure code change | 2005- | STATSTRU (2005-2007) | 00–No change from last year 01–Existing Administrative Entity or Outlet absorbs another Administrative Entity or Outlet 02–Newly created Administrative Entity or Outlet 03–(reserved) 04–Move Outlet to a newly created Administrative Entity 05–Merge two or more Administrative Entities or Outlets to form a new Administrative Entity or Outlet 06–(reserved) 07–(reserved) 08–Restored a closed Administrative Entity or Outlet record 09–Restored an incorrectly deleted Administrative Entity or Outlet 10–(reserved) 11–Outlet moved to different previously existing Administrative Entity 12–(reserved) 13–Add an existing Administrative Entity or Outlet not previously reported (Note: This code records structure changes to administrative entities and outlets, and is included on the Public Library Data File and the Public Library Outlet File. Structure changes include actions such as adding, deleting, or merging administrative entities or outlets. The full list of codes is provided; however, some codes are specific to one of the data files (e.g., code 11 would appear only on the Public Library Outlet Data File). |
STATSTRU (2008) | Structure code change | 2005- | STATSTRU (2008) | 00–No change from last year 01–Existing Administrative Entity or Outlet absorbs another Administrative Entity or Outlet 02–Newly created Administrative Entity or Outlet 03–Closed 04–Move Outlet to a newly created Administrative Entity 05–Merge two or more Administrative Entities or Outlets to form a new Administrative Entity or Outlet 06–(reserved) 07–reserved) 08–Restored a closed Administrative Entity or Outlet record 09–Restored an incorrectly deleted Administrative Entity or Outlet 10–Delete an incorrect record 11–Outlet moved to different previously existing Administrative Entity 12–(reserved) 13–Add an existing Administrative Entity or Outlet not previously reported (Note: This code records structure changes to administrative entities and outlets, and is included on the Public Library Data File and the Public Library Outlet File. Structure changes include actions such as adding, deleting, or merging administrative entities or outlets. The full list of codes is provided; however, some codes are specific to one of the data files (e.g., code 11 would appear only on the Public Library Outlet Data File). |
STATSTRU (2009-2011) | Structure code change | 2005- | STATSTRU (2009) | 00– No change from last year 01– Existing Administrative Entity or Outlet absorbs another Administrative Entity or Outlet 02– Newly created Administrative Entity or Outlet 03– Closed 04– Move Outlet to a newly created Administrative Entity 05– Merge two or more Administrative Entities or Outlets to form a new Administrative Entity or Outlet 06– (reserved) 07– (reserved) 08– Restored a closed Administrative Entity or Outlet record 09– Restored an incorrectly deleted Administrative Entity or Outlet 10– Delete an incorrect record 11– Outlet moved to a different previously existing Administrative Entity 12– (reserved) 13– Add an existing Administrative Entity or Outlet not previously reported 22– Future Administrative Entity FSCS ID Request 23– Temporary Closure 24– Restore/Undo Was a 23 (Reopen a Temporarily Closed Administrative Entity) (Note: This code records structure changes to administrative entities and outlets, and is included on the Public Library Data File and the Public Library Outlet File. Structure changes include actions such as adding, deleting, or merging administrative entities or outlets. The full list of codes is provided; however, some codes are specific to one of the data files (e.g., code 11 would appear only on the Public Library Outlet Data File.) |
Variable | Short definition | Years | History | Notes |
HRSCD | Internal control field. Code for hours of service based on FLDAH (unduplicated public service hours per week) | 1987 | HRSCD (1987) | 1 indicated 12 or more such hours and 2 indicated 12 or fewer. Blank meant not reported. |
POPCD | Internal control field. Code for population served based on FLDH (population of legal service area (now POPU_LSA). | 1987 | POPCD (1987) | Values were A ("Less than 1,000") through K ("1,000,000 and above"). L="Not reported or zero" |
PUBSEQ | Sequence key | 1988-1990 | PUBSEQ (1988-1990) | The documentation indicates PUBSEQ is indentical to FSCSKEY so it is redundant. |
SEQ | Sequence key | 1987 | SEQ (1987) | Unlike any other sequence keys and it only existed for one year. It did use a two-number FIPS state code rather than the two-character postal code used by FSCSKEY. |
STPOP | Internal control field for state summary data only, blank for all other records | 1987 | STPOP (1987) | There were 19 state summary records but none had any values. |