/* SAS DATA DEFINITION STATEMENTS FOR ICPSR 2207 LIBRARY GENERAL INFORMATION SURVEY (LIBGIS) III [UNITED STATES]: PUBLIC LIBRARY UNIVERSE, 1977 1ST ICPSR VERSION April, 2002 DATA: begins a SAS data step and names an output SAS data set. INFILE: identifies the input file to be read with the input statement. Users must replace the "physical-filename" with host computer specific input file specifications. INPUT: assigns the name, type, decimal specification (if any), and specifies the beginning and ending column locations for each variable in the data file. LABEL: assigns descriptive labels to all variables. Variable labels and variable names may be identical for some variables. These data definition statements have been tested for compatability with SAS Release 6.11 for UNIX and/or SAS Release 6.11 for Windows. */ data; infile 'physical-filename' lrecl= 171 missover pad; input STCOD $ 1-2 LIBCOD 3-6 POPUCOD 7-7 SMSA 8-11 BRANCOD 12-12 CITYCOD 13-13 NAME $ 14-48 ADDRESS $ 49-83 CITY $ 84-108 STATE $ 109-123 ZIP $ 124-128 LIBSYS $ 129-162 POPUL 163-169 YEAR 170-171 ; LABEL STCOD ="OE State Code 10-67" LIBCOD ="Library Code unique within state" POPUCOD ="Population served code" SMSA ="Standard Metro Stat Area Code" BRANCOD ="Branch Indicatro" CITYCOD ="Central City place describe code" NAME ="Library or CSLO Name" ADDRESS ="Library or CSLO Street Address" CITY ="Library or CSLO City name" STATE ="Library or CSLo State Name" ZIP ="Library or CSLO Zip Code" LIBSYS ="Nonconsolidated pub lib sys affil" POPUL ="Population served" YEAR ="Survey Year" ;