LIBNAME OUT1 'C:\ALS1996'; DATA ALS1996P; SET OUT1.ALS1996P1A; INFILE 'C:\ALS1996\ALS_1996_P.1.A.TXT' dsd dlm='09'x missover lrecl=2097 firstobs=2; INFORMAT UNITID $6. INSTNM $50. CITY $20. STABBR $2. FIPS $2. OBEREG $2. FICE $6. RSTATUS $1. IMPTYPE $1. PARCHILD $1. UNITIDX $6. SECTOR $2. LEVEL $1. CONTROL $1. AFFIL $1. HLOFFER $2. FPOFFER $1. LOCALE $1. PCTMIN1 8. PCTMIN2 8. PCTMIN3 8. PCTMIN4 8. HBCU $1. HOSPITAL $1. MEDICAL $1. TRIBAL $1. CARNEGIE $2. SOURCE $1. OPEID $8. NCESEDIT $1. FORMRT $3. AREA $1. ACT $1. NCESDATE $6. OPETYPE $1. SFAELIG $1. REFUSAL $1. OPEIND $1. A_IMP $1. B_IMP $1. C_IMP $1. D_IMP $1. E_IMP $1. F_IMP $1. ASSODEG 8. BACHDEG 8. MASTDEG 8. DOCTDEG 8. PROFDEG 8. OWNLIB $1. LIBSHAR1 $6. LIBNAME1 $50. LIBSHAR2 $6. LIBNAME2 $50. LA1 8. LB2 8. LB3 8. LB4 8. LB5 8. LB6 8. LC7 8. LC8 8. LC9 8. LC10 8. LC11 8. LC12 8. LC13 8. LC14 8. LC15 8. LC16 8. LC17 8. LC18 8. LC19 8. LC20 8. LC21 8. LC22 8. LC23 8. LD24_1 8. LD24_2 8. LD25_1 8. LD25_2 8. LD26_1 8. LD26_2 8. 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ILC21 $1. ILC22 $1. ILC23 $1. ILD24_1 $1. ILD24_2 $1. ILD25_1 $1. ILD25_2 $1. ILD26_1 $1. ILD26_2 $1. ILD27_1 $1. ILD27_2 $1. ILD28_1 $1. ILD28_2 $1. ILD29_1 $1. ILD29_2 $1. ILD30_1 $1. ILD30_2 $1. ILD31_1 $1. ILD31_2 $1. ILD32_1 $1. ILD32_2 $1. ILD33_1 $1. ILD33_2 $1. ILD34_1 $1. ILD34_2 $1. ILD35_1 $1. ILD35_2 $1. ILD36_1 $1. ILD36_2 $1. ILD37_1 $1. ILD37_2 $1. ILD38_1 $1. ILD38_2 $1. ILD39_1 $1. ILD39_2 $1. ILD40_1 $1. ILD40_2 $1. ILD41_1 $1. ILD41_2 $1. ILE42 $1. ILE43 $1. ILE44 $1. ILE45 $1. ILE46 $1. ILE47 $1. ILE48 $1. ILE49 $1. ILE50 $1. ILE51 $1. ICNF4 $1. ILF52 $1. ILF53 $1. ILF54 $1. HDEGOFFR $2. FTUNDER 8. FTGRAD 8. PTUNDER 8. PTGRAD 8. ENROLL 8. B121 8. B122 8. B123 8. XB121 $1. XB122 $1. XB123 $1. A74 8. A149 8. IMPA74 $1. IMPA149 $1.; INPUT UNITID INSTNM CITY STABBR FIPS OBEREG FICE RSTATUS IMPTYPE PARCHILD UNITIDX SECTOR LEVEL CONTROL AFFIL HLOFFER FPOFFER LOCALE PCTMIN1 PCTMIN2 PCTMIN3 PCTMIN4 HBCU HOSPITAL MEDICAL TRIBAL CARNEGIE SOURCE OPEID NCESEDIT FORMRT AREA ACT NCESDATE OPETYPE SFAELIG REFUSAL OPEIND A_IMP B_IMP C_IMP D_IMP E_IMP F_IMP ASSODEG BACHDEG MASTDEG DOCTDEG PROFDEG OWNLIB LIBSHAR1 LIBNAME1 LIBSHAR2 LIBNAME2 LA1 LB2 LB3 LB4 LB5 LB6 LC7 LC8 LC9 LC10 LC11 LC12 LC13 LC14 LC15 LC16 LC17 LC18 LC19 LC20 LC21 LC22 LC23 LD24_1 LD24_2 LD25_1 LD25_2 LD26_1 LD26_2 LD27_1 LD27_2 LD28_1 LD28_2 LD29_1 LD29_2 LD30_1 LD30_2 LD31_1 LD31_2 LD32_1 LD32_2 LD33_1 LD33_2 LD34_1 LD34_2 LD35_1 LD35_2 LD36_1 LD36_2 LD37_1 LD37_2 LD38_1 LD38_2 LD39_1 LD39_2 LD40_1 LD40_2 LD41_1 LD41_2 LE42 LE43 LE44 LE45 LE46 LE47 LE48 LE49 LE50 LE51 CNF4 LF52 LF53 LF54 LG55_1 LG55_2 LG55_3 LG55_4 LG56_1 LG56_2 LG56_3 LG56_4 LG57_1 LG57_2 LG57_3 LG57_4 LG58_1 LG58_2 LG58_3 LG58_4 LG59_1 LG59_2 LG59_3 LG59_4 LG60_1 LG60_2 LG60_3 LG60_4 LG61_1 LG61_2 LG61_3 LG61_4 LG62_1 LG62_2 LG62_3 LG62_4 LG63 LG64 LG65 LG66 LG67 ILA1 ILB2 ILB3 ILB4 ILB5 ILB6 ILC7 ILC8 ILC9 ILC10 ILC11 ILC12 ILC13 ILC14 ILC15 ILC16 ILC17 ILC18 ILC19 ILC20 ILC21 ILC22 ILC23 ILD24_1 ILD24_2 ILD25_1 ILD25_2 ILD26_1 ILD26_2 ILD27_1 ILD27_2 ILD28_1 ILD28_2 ILD29_1 ILD29_2 ILD30_1 ILD30_2 ILD31_1 ILD31_2 ILD32_1 ILD32_2 ILD33_1 ILD33_2 ILD34_1 ILD34_2 ILD35_1 ILD35_2 ILD36_1 ILD36_2 ILD37_1 ILD37_2 ILD38_1 ILD38_2 ILD39_1 ILD39_2 ILD40_1 ILD40_2 ILD41_1 ILD41_2 ILE42 ILE43 ILE44 ILE45 ILE46 ILE47 ILE48 ILE49 ILE50 ILE51 ICNF4 ILF52 ILF53 ILF54 HDEGOFFR FTUNDER FTGRAD PTUNDER PTGRAD ENROLL B121 B122 B123 XB121 XB122 XB123 A74 A149 IMPA74 IMPA149; LABEL UNITID ='Identification number' INSTNM ='Institution name' CITY ='City location of institution' STABBR ='Post Office State abbreviation code' FIPS ='FIPS state code' OBEREG ='OBE Region code' FICE ='School accreditation at the college level' RSTATUS ='Response status of the institution' IMPTYPE ='Impute status of the institution' PARCHILD ='Parent/child indicator' UNITIDX ='UNITID number of parent institution' SECTOR ='Sector of institution' LEVEL ='Level of institution' CONTROL ='Control of institution' AFFIL ='Affiliation of institution' HLOFFER ='Highest level of offering' FPOFFER ='First-professional offering' LOCALE ='Degree of Urbanization' PCTMIN1 ='Percent Black, non-Hispanic' PCTMIN2 ='Percent American Indian/Alaskan Native' PCTMIN3 ='Percent Asian/Pacific Islander' PCTMIN4 ='Percent Hispanic' HBCU ='Historically Black College or University' HOSPITAL ='Institution has hospital' MEDICAL ='Institution grants a medical degree' TRIBAL ='Tribal college' CARNEGIE ='Carnegie Classification Code' SOURCE ='Medium used to collect data' OPEID ='Office of Postsecondary Education ID' NCESEDIT ='NCES Edit status of the institution' FORMRT ='Survey form' AREA ='Area Search' ACT ='Status of institution' NCESDATE ='Most Recent Date for Editing or Imputation' OPETYPE ='Type of OPE Number on IPEDS IC file' SFAELIG ='Eligibility Flag for Title IV participation' REFUSAL ='Refusal status of the institution' OPEIND ='OPE Eligibility indiator code' A_IMP ='Impute status of Part A' B_IMP ='Impute status of Part B' C_IMP ='Impute status of Part C' D_IMP ='Impute status of Part D' E_IMP ='Impute status of Part E' F_IMP ='Impute status of Part F' ASSODEG ='Total number of associate degrees from Completions' BACHDEG ='Total number of bachelors degree from Completions' MASTDEG ="Total number of master's degree from Completions" DOCTDEG ='Total number of doctors degree from Completions' PROFDEG ='Total number of first professional degree from Completions' OWNLIB ='Has own library' LIBSHAR1 ='UNITID for shared library' LIBNAME1 ='Name of shared library' LIBSHAR2 ='UNITID for shared library' LIBNAME2 ='Name of shared library' LA1 ='Number: Branch libraries' LB2 ='Number: Librarians and other professional staff' LB3 ='Number: All other paid staff (except students)' LB4 ='Number: Contributed services staff' LB5 ='Number: Student Assistants' LB6 ='Number: Total FTE Staff' LC7 ='Expenditures: Librarians & OPS' LC8 ='Expenditures: All other paid staff' LC9 ='Expenditures: Student assistants' LC10 ='Expenditures: Print materials' LC11 ='Expenditures: Current serial subscriptions' LC12 ='Expenditures: Microforms' LC13 ='Expenditures: Audiovisual materials' LC14 ='Expenditures: Computer files and search services' LC15 ='Expenditures: Document delivery/interlibrary loans' LC16 ='Expenditures: Other collection' LC17 ='Expenditures: Preservation' LC18 ='Expenditures: Furniture and equipment' LC19 ='Expenditures: Computer hardware and software' LC20 ='Expenditures: Bibliographic utilities, networks, and consortia' LC21 ='Expenditures: All other operating expenditures' LC22 ='Expenditures: Total operating expenditures' LC23 ='Expenditures: Employee fringe benefit' LD24_1 ='Books - paper - volumes added' LD24_2 ='Books - paper - volumes held' LD25_1 ='Books - paper - titles added' LD25_2 ='Books - paper - titles held' LD26_1 ='Government document - units added' LD26_2 ='Government document - units held' LD27_1 ='Government document - titles added' LD27_2 ='Government document - titles held' LD28_1 ='Subscriptions - added' LD28_2 ='Subscriptions - held' LD29_1 ='Titles (books-electronic) added during the fiscal year' LD29_2 ='Titles (books-electronic) held during the fiscal year' LD30_1 ='Units (current serials - paper/microforms) added during the fiscal year' LD30_2 ='Units (current serials - paper/microforms) held during the fiscal year' LD31_1 ='Titles (microforms) - added' LD31_2 ='Titles (microforms) - held' LD32_1 ='Manuscripts and archives - added' LD32_2 ='Manuscripts and archives - held' LD33_1 ='Units of cartographic materials - added' LD33_2 ='Units of cartographic materials - held' LD34_1 ='Units of graphic materials - added' LD34_2 ='Units of graphic materials - held' LD35_1 ='Units of sound recording - added' LD35_2 ='Units of sound recording - held' LD36_1 ='Titles of sound recording - added' LD36_2 ='Titles of sound recording - held' LD37_1 ='Units of film and video material - added' LD37_2 ='Units of film and video material - held' LD38_1 ='Titles of film and video mateials - added' LD38_2 ='Titles of film and video mateials - held' LD39_1 ='Units of computer files - added' LD39_2 ='Units of computer files - held' LD40_1 ='Titles of computer files - added' LD40_2 ='Titles of computer files - held' LD41_1 ='Units of other library material - added' LD41_2 ='Units of other library material - held' LE42 ='Circulation transactions - general collection' LE43 ='Circulation transactions - reserve collection' LE44 ='Interlib loans to other lib - returnable' LE45 ='Interlib loans to other lib - non-return' LE46 ='Interlib loans to other lib - total' LE47 ='Interlib loans from other lib - returnable' LE48 ='Interlib loans from other lib - non-return' LE49 ='Interlib loans from oth3r lib - total' LE50 ='Number of presentations' LE51 ='Total attendance at all presentations' CNF4 ='Filler' LF52 ='Hours open in a typical week' LF53 ='Gate count in a typical week' LF54 ='Reference transactions in a typical week' LG55_1 ='Electronic Access: catalog within library' LG55_2 ='Electronic Access: catalog elsewhere on campus' LG55_3 ='Electronic Access: catalog off campus-primary client' LG55_4 ='Electronic Access: catalog off campus-others' LG56_1 ='Electronic Access: index & ref tools within library' LG56_2 ='Electronic Access: index & ref tool else on campus' LG56_3 ='Electronic Access: index & ref tool off campus-primary client' LG56_4 ='Electronic Access: index & ref tool off campus-others' LG57_1 ='Electronic Access: full text periodical within library' LG57_2 ='Electronic Access: full text periodical else on campus' LG57_3 ='Electronic Access: full text periodical off campus-primary client' LG57_4 ='Electronic Access: full text periodical off campus-others' LG58_1 ='Electronic Access: full text course reserve within library' LG58_2 ='Electronic Access: full text course reserve else on campus' LG58_3 ='Electronic Access: full text course reserve off campus primary client' LG58_4 ='Electronic Access: full text course reserve off campus others' LG59_1 ='Electronic Access: files (not catalog) within library' LG59_2 ='Electronic Access: files (not catalog) else on campus' LG59_3 ='Electronic Access: files (not catalog) off campus - primary client' LG59_4 ='Electronic Access: files (not catalog) off campus others' LG60_1 ='Internet access within library' LG60_2 ='Internet access elsewhere on campus' LG60_3 ='Internet access off campus-primary client' LG60_4 ='Internet access off campus-other' LG61_1 ='Library reference service by email within library' LG61_2 ='Library reference service by email else on campus' LG61_3 ='Library reference service by email off campus-primary client' LG61_4 ='Library reference service by email off campus-other' LG62_1 ='Inter-library loan requests electronic within library' LG62_2 ='Inter-library loan requests electronic else on campus' LG62_3 ='Inter-library loan requests electronic off campus-primary' LG62_4 ='Inter-library loan requests electronic off campus-other' LG63 ='Electronic Doc delivery by lib to account address' LG64 ='Computers for patron use in the library' LG65 ='Computer software for patron use in library' LG66 ='Scanning equipment for patron use in library' LG67 ='Services to distance education students' ILA1 ='Status Flag for LA1' ILB2 ='Status Flag for LB2' ILB3 ='Status Flag for LB3' ILB4 ='Status Flag for LB4' ILB5 ='Status Flag for LB5' ILB6 ='Status Flag for LB6' ILC7 ='Status Flag for LC7' ILC8 ='Status Flag for LC8' ILC9 ='Status Flag for LC9' ILC10 ='Status Flag for LC10' ILC11 ='Status Flag for LC11' ILC12 ='Status Flag for LC12' ILC13 ='Status Flag for LC13' ILC14 ='Status Flag for LC14' ILC15 ='Status Flag for LC15' ILC16 ='Status Flag for LC16' ILC17 ='Status Flag for LC17' ILC18 ='Status Flag for LC18' ILC19 ='Status Flag for LC19' ILC20 ='Status Flag for LC20' ILC21 ='Status Flag for LC21' ILC22 ='Status Flag for LC22' ILC23 ='Status Flag for LC23' ILD24_1 ='Status Flag for LD24_1' ILD24_2 ='Status Flag for LD24_2' ILD25_1 ='Status Flag for LD25_1' ILD25_2 ='Status Flag for LD25_2' ILD26_1 ='Status Flag for LD26_1' ILD26_2 ='Status Flag for LD26_2' ILD27_1 ='Status Flag for LD27_1' ILD27_2 ='Status Flag for LD27_2' ILD28_1 ='Status Flag for LD28_1' ILD28_2 ='Status Flag for LD28_2' ILD29_1 ='Status Flag for LD29_1' ILD29_2 ='Status Flag for LD29_2' ILD30_1 ='Status Flag for LD30_1' ILD30_2 ='Status Flag for LD30_2' ILD31_1 ='Status Flag for LD31_1' ILD31_2 ='Status Flag for LD31_2' ILD32_1 ='Status Flag for LD32_1' ILD32_2 ='Status Flag for LD32_2' ILD33_1 ='Status Flag for LD33_1' ILD33_2 ='Status Flag for LD33_2' ILD34_1 ='Status Flag for LD34_1' ILD34_2 ='Status Flag for LD34_2' ILD35_1 ='Status Flag for LD35_1' ILD35_2 ='Status Flag for LD35_2' ILD36_1 ='Status Flag for LD36_1' ILD36_2 ='Status Flag for LD36_2' ILD37_1 ='Status Flag for LD37_1' ILD37_2 ='Status Flag for LD37_2' ILD38_1 ='Status Flag for LD38_1' ILD38_2 ='Status Flag for LD38_2' ILD39_1 ='Status Flag for LD39_1' ILD39_2 ='Status Flag for LD39_2' ILD40_1 ='Status Flag for LD40_1' ILD40_2 ='Status Flag for LD40_2' ILD41_1 ='Status Flag for LD41_1' ILD41_2 ='Status Flag for LD41_2' ILE42 ='Status Flag for LE42' ILE43 ='Status Flag for LE43' ILE44 ='Status Flag for LE44' ILE45 ='Status Flag for LE45' ILE46 ='Status Flag for LE46' ILE47 ='Status Flag for LE47' ILE48 ='Status Flag for LE48' ILE49 ='Status Flag for LE49' ILE50 ='Status Flag for LE50' ILE51 ='Status Flag for LE51' ICNF4 ='Status Flag for CNF4' ILF52 ='Status Flag for LF52' ILF53 ='Status Flag for LF53' ILF54 ='Status Flag for LF54' HDEGOFFR ='Highest Degree Offered' FTUNDER ='Fulltime undergraduate students' FTGRAD ='Fulltime graduate students' PTUNDER ='Part-time undergraduate students' PTGRAD ='Part-time graduate students' ENROLL ='Total enrollment' B121 ='Unrestricted E&G expenditures' B122 ='Restricted E&G expenditures' B123 ='Total E&G expenditures' XB121 ='Imputation indicator for B121' XB122 ='Imputation indicator for B122' XB123 ='Imputation indicator for B123' A74 ='Total number of faculty 9/10' A149 ='Total number of faculty 11/12' IMPA74 ='Imputation indicator for A74' IMPA149 ='Imputation indicator for A149' ; RUN; proc format; value $act " " ="Blank-Institution is active, not a current year add" "A" ="A Active and added in the current year" "C" ="C Combined - Merged with another institution" "D" ="D Delete - Institution is out of business" "H" ="H Areas search on hold pending verification" "I" ="I Inactive" "M" ="M Death with data - Closed in current year" "N" ="N New - Added during the current year" "O" ="O Out-of-scope - Not within scope of universe" "P" ="P Potential add - might be added" "Q" ="Q Potential restore - might be restored" "R" ="R Restore - restored to the current universe" "S" ="S Split - Split into more than one institution" "U" ="U Duplicate - UNITID previously assigned" "W" ="W Wipe out - out-of-scope potential add" "X" ="X Potential restore not added to the universe" "Z" ="Z Universe III - out-of-scope"; value $carnegie "15" ="15 Doctoral/Research universities - Extensive" "16" ="16 Doctoral/Research universities - Intensive" "21" ="21 Master's Colleges and Universities I" "22" ="22 Master's (comprehensive) Colleges and Universities II" "31" ="31 Baccalaureate Colleges - Liberal Arts" "32" ="32 Baccalaureate Colleges - General" "33" ="33 Baccalaureate/Associate's Colleges" "40" ="40 Associate's Colleges" "51" ="51 Theological seminaries and other faith institutions" "52" ="52 Medical schools and medical centers" "53" ="53 Other separate health profession schools" "54" ="54 Schools of engineering and technology" "55" ="55 Schools of business and management" "56" ="56 Schools of art, music, and design" "57" ="57 Schools of law" "58" ="58 Teachers colleges" "59" ="59 Other specialized institutions" "60" ="60 Tribal Colleges and Universities" " " ="Blank-Not available"; value $control "1" ="1 Public" "2" ="2 Private, nonprofit" "3" ="3 Private, for profit"; value $parchild "1" ="1 Parent" "2" ="2 Child" " " ="Blank-Not a parent or child"; value $source "1" ="1 Internet" "2" ="2 Email" "3" ="3 Tape/Diskette" "4" ="4 Form" "5" ="5 Form Facimile" "7" ="7 Other" " " ="Blank-Not available"; value $ncesedit "b" ="b Not edited" "1" ="1 Edited with no edit or critical flags" "2" ="2 Edited with critical edit flags, analyst accept" "3" ="3 Edited with critical edit flags, NCES override" "4" ="4 Record is on hold" "5" ="5 Record failed the edits" " " ="Blank-Not available"; value $fips "01", "1" ="01 Alabama" "02", "2" ="02 Alaska" "04", "4" ="04 Arizona" "05", "5" ="05 Arkansas" "06", "6" ="06 California" "08", "8" ="08 Colorado" "09", "9" ="09 Connecticut" "10" ="10 Delaware" "11" ="11 District of Columbia" "12" ="12 Florida" "13" ="13 Georgia" "15" ="15 Hawaii" "16" ="16 Idaho" "17" ="17 Illinois" "18" ="18 Indiana" "19" ="19 Iowa" "20" ="20 Kansas" "21" ="21 Kentucky" "22" ="22 Louisiana" "23" ="23 Maine" "24" ="24 Maryland" "25" ="25 Massachusetts" "26" ="26 Michigan" "27" ="27 Minnesota" "28" ="28 Mississippi" "29" ="29 Missouri" "30" ="30 Montana" "31" ="31 Nebraska" "32" ="32 Nevada" "33" ="33 New Hampshire" "34" ="34 New Jersey" "35" ="35 New Mexico" "36" ="36 New York" "37" ="37 North Carolina" "38" ="38 North Dakota" "39" ="39 Ohio" "40" ="40 Oklahoma" "41" ="41 Oregon" "42" ="42 Pennsylvania" "44" ="44 Rhode Island" "45" ="45 South Carolina" "46" ="46 South Dakota" "47" ="47 Tennessee" "48" ="48 Texas" "49" ="49 Utah" "50" ="50 Vermont" "51" ="51 Virginia" "53" ="53 Washington" "54" ="54 West Virginia" "55" ="55 Wisconsin" "56" ="56 Wyoming" "60" ="60 American Samoa" "64" ="64 Fed State Micronesia" "66" ="66 Guam" "68" ="68 Marshall Islands" "69" ="69 Northern Mariana Isl" "70" ="70 Palau" "72" ="72 Puerto Rico" "78" ="78 Virgin Islands"; value $fpoffer "1" ="1 First professional degree or post-degree" " " ="Blank - No first professional offering"; value $hdegoffr "00" ="00 Non degree granting" "01" ="01 First professional degrees only" "10" ="10 Doctoral" "11" ="11 Doctoral and First professional" "20" ="20 Master's" "21" ="21 Master's and First professional" "30" ="30 Bachelors" "31" ="31 Bachelors and First professional" "40" ="40 Associates" "41" ="41 Associates and First professional" " " ="Blank-Not available"; value $hloffer "0" ="0 Other" "1" ="1 Postsec award, diploma, less than 1 year" "2" ="2 Postsec award, diploma, min 1 but less than 2" "3" ="3 Associate degree" "4" ="4 Postsec award, diploma, min 2 but less than 4" "5" ="5 Bachelor's degree" "6" ="6 Post baccalaureate certificate" "7" ="7 Master's degree" "8" ="8 Post master's certificate" "9 " ="9 Doctoral degree" " " ="Blank-Not available"; value $level "1" ="1 Four or more years (Baccalaureate or higher)" "2" ="2 Min 2 but less than 4 years (below Baccalaureate)" "3" ="3 Less than 2 years (below Associate degree)"; value $impcode " " ="Blank" "A" ="A Analyst adjusted a reported value" "C" ="C Analyst corrected a cell that was blank" "H" ="H Data suppressed" "I" ="I Imputation for nonres, other than prior year" "N" ="N Original data field was blank" "P" ="P Imputation for nonres. using prior year data" "R" ="R Original data value was reported" "S" ="S Details are adjusted to sum to the total" "T" ="T Total adjusted to equal the sum of the detail" "Z" ="Z Implied reported zero value" "Q" ="Q Imputation for a response, prior year method" "J" ="J Data adjusted in scan edits in Jeffersonville" "X" ="X Imputation for a report, other than prior year"; value $imptype " " ="Blank-Not imputed" "1" ="1 Imputed using current year mean average method" "2" ="2 Imputed using previous year's data" "9" ="9 Partial imputation"; value $locale "1" ="1 Large city" "2" ="2 Mid-size city" "3" ="3 Urban fringe of large city" "4" ="4 Urban fringe of mid-size city" "5" ="5 Large town" "6" ="6 Small town" "7" ="7 Rural" "8" ="8 non-MA, other urban" "9" ="9 Not assigned" " " ="Blank-Not available"; value $mis_res " " ="Blank value" other="Valid value"; value mis_res . ="Missing numeric value" other="Valid value"; value $obereg "0" ="0 US Service Schools" "1" ="1 New England - CT ME MA NH RI VT" "2" ="2 Mid East - DE DC MD NJ NY PA" "3" ="3 Great Lakes - IL IN MI OH WI" "4" ="4 Plains - IA KS MN MO NE ND SD" "5" ="5 Southeast - AL AR FL GA KY LA MS NC SC TN VA WV" "6" ="6 Southwest - AZ NM OK TX" "7" ="7 Rocky Mountains - CO ID MT UT WY" "8" ="8 Far West - AK CA HI NV OR WA" "9" ="9 Outlying areas - AS FM GU MH MP PR PW VI" " " ="Blank-Not available"; value $opeind "1" ="1 Institutions eligible for Title IV" "2" ="2 Branch campus/service school, Title IV" " " ="Blank-Not eligible"; value $opetype "1" ="1 Pell" "2" ="2 Stafford" "3" ="3 Other" "9" ="9 Multiple Types" " " ="Blank-Not available"; value $partflg " " ="Blank-Not imputed" "1" ="1 Imputed using current year mean average method" "2" ="2 Imputed using previous year's data" "9" ="9 Partial imputation"; value $sector "0" ="0 Administrative unit only" "1" ="1 Public, 4-year or above" "2" ="2 Private nonprofit, 4-year and above" "3" ="3 Private for profit, 4-year and above" "4" ="4 Public, 2-year" "5" ="5 Private nonprofit, 2-year" "6" ="6 Private for profit, 2-year" "7" ="7 Public, less than 2-year" "8" ="8 Private nonprofit, less than 2-year" "9" ="9 Private for profit, less than 2-year"; value $stabbr "AL" ="AL Alabama" "AK" ="AK Alaska" "AZ" ="AZ Arizona" "AR" ="AR Arkansas" "CA" ="CA California" "CO" ="CO Colorado" "CT" ="CT Connecticut" "DE" ="DE Delaware" "DC" ="DC District of Columbia" "FL" ="FL Florida" "GA" ="GA Georgia" "HI" ="HI Hawaii" "ID" ="ID Idaho" "IL" ="IL Illinois" "IN" ="IN Indiana" "IA" ="IA Iowa" "KS" ="KS Kansas" "KY" ="KY Kentucky" "LA" ="LA Louisiana" "ME" ="ME Maine" "MD" ="MD Maryland" "MA" ="MA Massachusetts" "MI" ="MI Michigan" "MN" ="MN Minnesota" "MS" ="MS Mississippi" "MO" ="MO Missouri" "MT" ="MT Montana" "NE" ="NE Nebraska" "NV" ="NV Nevada" "NH" ="NH New Hampshire" "NJ" ="NJ New Jersey" "NM" ="NM New Mexico" "NY" ="NY New York" "NC" ="NC North Carolina" "ND" ="ND North Dakota" "OH" ="OH Ohio" "OK" ="OK Oklahoma" "OR" ="OR Oregon" "PA" ="PA Pennsylvania" "RI" ="RI Rhode Island" "SC" ="SC South Carolina" "SD" ="SD South Dakota" "TN" ="TN Tennessee" "TX" ="TX Texas" "UT" ="UT Utah" "VT" ="VT Vermont" "VA" ="VA Virginia" "WA" ="WA Washington" "WV" ="WV West Virginia" "WI" ="WI Wisconsin" "WY" ="WY Wyoming" "AS" ="AS American Samoa" "FM" ="FM Fed State Micronesia" "GU" ="GU Guam" "MH" ="MH Marshall Islands" "MP" ="MP Northern Mariana Isl" "PW" ="PW Palau" "PR" ="PR Puerto Rico" "VI" ="VI Virgin Islands"; value $rstatus "1" ="1 Respondent" "3" ="3 Nonrespondent, not imputed" "4" ="4 Nonrespondent, imputed"; value $affil "1" ="1 Public" "2" ="2 Private, for-profit" "3" ="3 Private, nonprofit, nonreligious" "4" ="4 Private, nonprofit, Catholic" "5" ="5 Private, nonprofit, Jewish" "6" ="6 Private, nonprofit, Protestant" "7" ="7 Private, nonprofit, other religious" " " ="Blank - no response"; value $sfaelig "1" ="1 Eligible" "2" ="2 Not eligible" " " ="Blank - no response"; value $refusal "1" ="1 Refusal" " " ="Blank - Not a refusal"; value $ownlib "1" ="1 Has own library" "2" ="2 Has own library, but reports with another library" "3" ="3 Contributes financial support to a shared library" "4" ="4 Does not have own library"; value $fice " " ="Blank - Non HEGIS school" other="Valid value"; value $yes_no "0" ="0 No Answer" "1" ="1 Yes" " " ="Blank - No" "2" ="2 No"; run; /* PROC FREQ; TABLES UNITID INSTNM CITY STABBR FIPS OBEREG FICE RSTATUS IMPTYPE PARCHILD UNITIDX SECTOR LEVEL CONTROL AFFIL HLOFFER FPOFFER LOCALE PCTMIN1 PCTMIN2 PCTMIN3 PCTMIN4 HBCU HOSPITAL MEDICAL TRIBAL CARNEGIE SOURCE OPEID NCESEDIT FORMRT AREA ACT NCESDATE OPETYPE SFAELIG REFUSAL OPEIND A_IMP B_IMP C_IMP D_IMP E_IMP F_IMP ASSODEG BACHDEG MASTDEG DOCTDEG PROFDEG OWNLIB LIBSHAR1 LIBNAME1 LIBSHAR2 LIBNAME2 LA1 LB2 LB3 LB4 LB5 LB6 LC7 LC8 LC9 LC10 LC11 LC12 LC13 LC14 LC15 LC16 LC17 LC18 LC19 LC20 LC21 LC22 LC23 LD24_1 LD24_2 LD25_1 LD25_2 LD26_1 LD26_2 LD27_1 LD27_2 LD28_1 LD28_2 LD29_1 LD29_2 LD30_1 LD30_2 LD31_1 LD31_2 LD32_1 LD32_2 LD33_1 LD33_2 LD34_1 LD34_2 LD35_1 LD35_2 LD36_1 LD36_2 LD37_1 LD37_2 LD38_1 LD38_2 LD39_1 LD39_2 LD40_1 LD40_2 LD41_1 LD41_2 LE42 LE43 LE44 LE45 LE46 LE47 LE48 LE49 LE50 LE51 LF52 LF53 LF54 LG55_1 LG55_2 LG55_3 LG55_4 LG56_1 LG56_2 LG56_3 LG56_4 LG57_1 LG57_2 LG57_3 LG57_4 LG58_1 LG58_2 LG58_3 LG58_4 LG59_1 LG59_2 LG59_3 LG59_4 LG60_1 LG60_2 LG60_3 LG60_4 LG61_1 LG61_2 LG61_3 LG61_4 LG62_1 LG62_2 LG62_3 LG62_4 LG63 LG64 LG65 LG66 LG67 ILA1 ILB2 ILB3 ILB4 ILB5 ILB6 ILC7 ILC8 ILC9 ILC10 ILC11 ILC12 ILC13 ILC14 ILC15 ILC16 ILC17 ILC18 ILC19 ILC20 ILC21 ILC22 ILC23 ILD24_1 ILD24_2 ILD25_1 ILD25_2 ILD26_1 ILD26_2 ILD27_1 ILD27_2 ILD28_1 ILD28_2 ILD29_1 ILD29_2 ILD30_1 ILD30_2 ILD31_1 ILD31_2 ILD32_1 ILD32_2 ILD33_1 ILD33_2 ILD34_1 ILD34_2 ILD35_1 ILD35_2 ILD36_1 ILD36_2 ILD37_1 ILD37_2 ILD38_1 ILD38_2 ILD39_1 ILD39_2 ILD40_1 ILD40_2 ILD41_1 ILD41_2 ILE42 ILE43 ILE44 ILE45 ILE46 ILE47 ILE48 ILE49 ILE50 ILE51 ILF52 ILF53 ILF54 HDEGOFFR FTUNDER FTGRAD PTUNDER PTGRAD ENROLL B121 B122 B123 XB121 XB122 XB123 A74 A149 IMPA74 IMPA149 /MISSING; FORMAT UNITID $MIS_RES. INSTNM $MIS_RES. CITY $MIS_RES. STABBR $STABBR. FIPS $FIPS. OBEREG $OBEREG. FICE $FICE. RSTATUS $RSTATUS. IMPTYPE $IMPTYPE. PARCHILD $PARCHILD. UNITIDX $MIS_RES. SECTOR $SECTOR. LEVEL $LEVEL. CONTROL $CONTROL. AFFIL $AFFIL. HLOFFER $HLOFFER. FPOFFER $FPOFFER. LOCALE $LOCALE. PCTMIN1 MIS_RES. PCTMIN2 MIS_RES. PCTMIN3 MIS_RES. PCTMIN4 MIS_RES. HBCU $YES_NO. HOSPITAL $YES_NO. MEDICAL $YES_NO. TRIBAL $YES_NO. CARNEGIE $MIS_RES. SOURCE $SOURCE. OPEID $MIS_RES. NCESEDIT $NCESEDIT. FORMRT $MIS_RES. AREA $MIS_RES. ACT $ACT. NCESDATE $MIS_RES. OPETYPE $OPETYPE. SFAELIG $SFAELIG. REFUSAL $REFUSAL. OPEIND $OPEIND. A_IMP $PARTFLG. B_IMP $PARTFLG. C_IMP $PARTFLG. D_IMP $PARTFLG. E_IMP $PARTFLG. F_IMP $PARTFLG. ASSODEG MIS_RES. BACHDEG MIS_RES. MASTDEG MIS_RES. DOCTDEG MIS_RES. PROFDEG MIS_RES. OWNLIB $OWNLIB. LIBSHAR1 $MIS_RES. LIBNAME1 $MIS_RES. LIBSHAR2 $MIS_RES. LIBNAME2 $MIS_RES. LA1 MIS_RES. LB2 MIS_RES. LB3 MIS_RES. LB4 MIS_RES. LB5 MIS_RES. LB6 MIS_RES. LC7 MIS_RES. LC8 MIS_RES. LC9 MIS_RES. LC10 MIS_RES. LC11 MIS_RES. LC12 MIS_RES. LC13 MIS_RES. LC14 MIS_RES. LC15 MIS_RES. LC16 MIS_RES. LC17 MIS_RES. LC18 MIS_RES. LC19 MIS_RES. LC20 MIS_RES. LC21 MIS_RES. LC22 MIS_RES. LC23 MIS_RES. LD24_1 MIS_RES. LD24_2 MIS_RES. LD25_1 MIS_RES. LD25_2 MIS_RES. LD26_1 MIS_RES. LD26_2 MIS_RES. LD27_1 MIS_RES. LD27_2 MIS_RES. LD28_1 MIS_RES. LD28_2 MIS_RES. LD29_1 MIS_RES. LD29_2 MIS_RES. LD30_1 MIS_RES. LD30_2 MIS_RES. LD31_1 MIS_RES. LD31_2 MIS_RES. LD32_1 MIS_RES. LD32_2 MIS_RES. LD33_1 MIS_RES. LD33_2 MIS_RES. LD34_1 MIS_RES. LD34_2 MIS_RES. LD35_1 MIS_RES. LD35_2 MIS_RES. LD36_1 MIS_RES. LD36_2 MIS_RES. LD37_1 MIS_RES. LD37_2 MIS_RES. LD38_1 MIS_RES. LD38_2 MIS_RES. LD39_1 MIS_RES. LD39_2 MIS_RES. LD40_1 MIS_RES. LD40_2 MIS_RES. LD41_1 MIS_RES. LD41_2 MIS_RES. LE42 MIS_RES. LE43 MIS_RES. LE44 MIS_RES. LE45 MIS_RES. LE46 MIS_RES. LE47 MIS_RES. LE48 MIS_RES. LE49 MIS_RES. LE50 MIS_RES. LE51 MIS_RES. LF52 MIS_RES. LF53 MIS_RES. LF54 MIS_RES. LG55_1 $YES_NO. LG55_2 $YES_NO. LG55_3 $YES_NO. LG55_4 $YES_NO. LG56_1 $YES_NO. LG56_2 $YES_NO. LG56_3 $YES_NO. LG56_4 $YES_NO. LG57_1 $YES_NO. LG57_2 $YES_NO. LG57_3 $YES_NO. LG57_4 $YES_NO. LG58_1 $YES_NO. LG58_2 $YES_NO. LG58_3 $YES_NO. LG58_4 $YES_NO. LG59_1 $YES_NO. LG59_2 $YES_NO. LG59_3 $YES_NO. LG59_4 $YES_NO. LG60_1 $YES_NO. LG60_2 $YES_NO. LG60_3 $YES_NO. LG60_4 $YES_NO. LG61_1 $YES_NO. LG61_2 $YES_NO. LG61_3 $YES_NO. LG61_4 $YES_NO. LG62_1 $YES_NO. LG62_2 $YES_NO. LG62_3 $YES_NO. LG62_4 $YES_NO. LG63 $YES_NO. LG64 $YES_NO. LG65 $YES_NO. LG66 $YES_NO. LG67 $YES_NO. ILA1 $IMPCODE. ILB2 $IMPCODE. ILB3 $IMPCODE. ILB4 $IMPCODE. ILB5 $IMPCODE. ILB6 $IMPCODE. ILC7 $IMPCODE. ILC8 $IMPCODE. ILC9 $IMPCODE. ILC10 $IMPCODE. ILC11 $IMPCODE. ILC12 $IMPCODE. ILC13 $IMPCODE. ILC14 $IMPCODE. ILC15 $IMPCODE. ILC16 $IMPCODE. ILC17 $IMPCODE. ILC18 $IMPCODE. ILC19 $IMPCODE. ILC20 $IMPCODE. ILC21 $IMPCODE. ILC22 $IMPCODE. ILC23 $IMPCODE. ILD24_1 $IMPCODE. ILD24_2 $IMPCODE. ILD25_1 $IMPCODE. ILD25_2 $IMPCODE. ILD26_1 $IMPCODE. ILD26_2 $IMPCODE. ILD27_1 $IMPCODE. ILD27_2 $IMPCODE. ILD28_1 $IMPCODE. ILD28_2 $IMPCODE. ILD29_1 $IMPCODE. ILD29_2 $IMPCODE. ILD30_1 $IMPCODE. ILD30_2 $IMPCODE. ILD31_1 $IMPCODE. ILD31_2 $IMPCODE. ILD32_1 $IMPCODE. ILD32_2 $IMPCODE. ILD33_1 $IMPCODE. ILD33_2 $IMPCODE. ILD34_1 $IMPCODE. ILD34_2 $IMPCODE. ILD35_1 $IMPCODE. ILD35_2 $IMPCODE. ILD36_1 $IMPCODE. ILD36_2 $IMPCODE. ILD37_1 $IMPCODE. ILD37_2 $IMPCODE. ILD38_1 $IMPCODE. ILD38_2 $IMPCODE. ILD39_1 $IMPCODE. ILD39_2 $IMPCODE. ILD40_1 $IMPCODE. ILD40_2 $IMPCODE. ILD41_1 $IMPCODE. ILD41_2 $IMPCODE. ILE42 $IMPCODE. ILE43 $IMPCODE. ILE44 $IMPCODE. ILE45 $IMPCODE. ILE46 $IMPCODE. ILE47 $IMPCODE. ILE48 $IMPCODE. ILE49 $IMPCODE. ILE50 $IMPCODE. ILE51 $IMPCODE. ILF52 $IMPCODE. ILF53 $IMPCODE. ILF54 $IMPCODE. HDEGOFFR $HDEGOFFR. FTUNDER MIS_RES. FTGRAD MIS_RES. PTUNDER MIS_RES. PTGRAD MIS_RES. ENROLL MIS_RES. B121 MIS_RES. B122 MIS_RES. B123 MIS_RES. XB121 $IMPCODE. XB122 $IMPCODE. XB123 $IMPCODE. A74 MIS_RES. A149 MIS_RES. IMPA74 $IMPCODE. IMPA149 $IMPCODE.; RUN; */